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Fire Brigade strike: “Little attention for Valsesia”

Fire Brigade strike: “Little attention for Valsesia”
Fire Brigade strike: “Little attention for Valsesia”

Friday 5 July, for two and a half hours

VERCELLI – Two and a half hours of strike. It will happen next July 5th and the protest will be carried out by the Fire Brigade of Piedmont. At the center of the strike is the failure to assign a suitable vehicle for rescue on the upper floors for the Varallo Sesia headquarters.

Explains Adrian Scotlandspokesperson for the Regional Coordination of the Basic Union of Fire Brigades (USB): «Last June 7th an attempt at conciliation took place chaired by Eng. Loris Munaro in light of our declared state of agitation towards the Regional Fire Brigade Directorate. Piedmont due to the failure to assign a suitable vehicle for technical rescue to the upper floors for the Varallo headquarters, through the Vercelli Command, and the failure to organize and maintain this type of vehicle in the area. This type of vehicle, necessary for the rescue, for example, of people going up from the second floor, in the event of fire, can currently intervene in the municipal area of ​​Varallo and in all the municipalities further upstream, exclusively arriving from locations with over an hour’s journey”.

Continue Scotland: «The Vercelli Command, which was assigned two ladder trucks, is in reality continually deprived of one of them due to the Region’s shortcomings. This situation would have found a solution with the assignment of a rescue platform already pre-assigned in December, but subsequently destined to another location which does not present the same critical issues”.

Scotland adds: «As a Trade Union Organization we fear that such an assignment could produce events similar to those sadly highlighted by the recent news in Liguria and near the Natisone river, in which colleagues, seeking every practicable solution, even exposing themselves to emergency procedures, found themselves face tragic situations. Despite the reassurances of the Regional Director Eng. Alexander Paulawe have seen very little attention towards Valsesia, a valley that constantly presents a high number of tourists both in winter and summer. During the conciliation attempt, we were proposed the creation of a working group to study through objective parameters a method of relocating these precious vehicles on the regional territory. This solution, although potentially valid in the long term, has not provided any response to the criticality that we wanted to highlight, so much so that to date Varallo does not have suitable means for the purpose. We have therefore not been able to conciliate and, for this reason, we proclaim the regional strike of the Fire Brigade category for the day of July 5. On this occasion, a sit-in of colleagues will be present from 9 to 11.30 in front of the Varallo detachment to be able to respond to the doubts and concerns of the population.

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