Mattarella to students: ‘Immediate ceasefire is needed in Gaza’

Mattarella to students: ‘Immediate ceasefire is needed in Gaza’
Mattarella to students: ‘Immediate ceasefire is needed in Gaza’

The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella participated in the celebration of Graduates’ Day at La Sapienza University, while outside, a few meters from the entrance to the rectorate, behind the barriers manned by the police, some students were protesting “against the genocide in Gaza”. The protesters also shouted phrases at the Head of State, reading the text of a letter into the megaphone, to which Mattarella then responded. And from the stage of the great hall the Head of State did not shy away and in an off-the-cuff speech addressed them directly. “A letter published by some news agencies urged me not to include myself in what has been defined as the ‘ivory tower of the rectorate’. As I came I saw a sign asking me what I thought about what is happening in Gaza. I don’t want to leave it unanswered. The condition and question of peace in the Middle East, of Israel’s right to exist, is a question that the international community feels with great concern and not just today.” It was the response of the president who then quoted his speech at the UN: “I reiterated the request for an immediate ceasefire” (FOLLOW ALL THE LIVE UPDATES ON THE WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST).

“Italy combats rights violations everywhere”

“The need to respect humanitarian law is in our constitution. It is a duty for the Italian Republic, this applies in all directions. This applies to civilians, to the Palestinian people, it applies to the children raped and killed while listening to music in a rave last October 7th, it applies to the children whose throats were slaughtered on that occasion, it applies to Mahsa Amini and the girls who after her were imprisoned and came out because they didn’t wear the headscarf, it applies to the girls who cannot study in Afghanistan For our Republic, all violations of human rights must be fought, always”, said Mattarella in his speech for Graduates’ Day. “The sentence for oppression and refusal of violence does not change depending on the territories and states”, she continued.

“For a millennium, universities have been the seat of free debate, of freedom of criticism, sometimes even of dissent from power. Freedom, peace, human rights pass through dialogue and discussion. Power, the worst one, wants the universities of their country are isolated, without relationships or collaboration with the universities of other countries. Because this condition allows the worst of powers to control the university, to compress culture and to impede its cry and its push for freedom.” , added the Head of State.

in-depth analysis

Mattarella to Herzog: Immediate cessation of hostilities in Gaza is essential

Students: “President, which side are you on?”

“President, which side of the barricade do you want to be on? Theirs or ours?” asked the young people protesting in front of the rector’s office today. reiterating their invitation to the Head of State: “this is the last call president, do you want to reach us?”. Inside the paper airplanes launched upon arrival, the children wrote the letter addressed to President Mattarella, read at the microphone on the large lawn in front of the rectorate and the assembly hall, while Graduates’ Day was being held. For the entire duration of the event the students remained in front of the barriers, speaking at the microphone, displaying banners and pointing water pistols at the police in front of them. “Mattarella you will pay for everything” the boys also shouted.

in-depth analysis

Occupied Political Science classroom at Sapienza University in Rome

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