“Transfer Jj4 to Germany? This way it will become an attraction to be exhibited to the public which is worse than decreeing its death: a defeat for Trentino”

“Transfer Jj4 to Germany? This way it will become an attraction to be exhibited to the public which is worse than decreeing its death: a defeat for Trentino”
“Transfer Jj4 to Germany? This way it will become an attraction to be exhibited to the public which is worse than decreeing its death: a defeat for Trentino”

TRENT. L’bear Jj4 could be transferred to Germany. The most likely destination is “Alternative park for bears and wolves” Of Worbis in the Black Forestspaces that already host Dj3 And Jurka (mother of the bear who attacked and killed Andrea Papi in April last year).

The representatives of the office have expressed their opinion on this possibility“Bearsandothers” associationwho report: “We note that the province of Trento has decided to transfer the Jj4 bear to a paid ‘zoo park’, to be exhibited to the public. And to follow, the the same fate will befall the poor M49 who has never attacked anyone and is sentenced to life imprisonment for having preyed on some livestock”.

And they continue: “Jj4 will be another bear, together with Jurka, Dj3, M57 to be transferred abroad, absolutely out of its natural habitat – they underline -. And there is nothing to rejoice about in this solution: it will be messin isolation for over 6 months and then placed in a park 1 square kilometre along with other bears and wolves, put there as attractions to be displayed to the paying public“.

In short, according to the representatives of “Bearsandothers” the plantigrade would pass “from one constricting situation to another. Certainly the Casteller is ineligiblebut at least there it is not exposed to the public and is left alone, not subjected to the indecent spectacle of man. And transferring it, in our opinion could represent a damage to the treasury, given that the bears are unavailable assets of the State“.

And they conclude: “We find it absurd that certain associations rejoice or define themselves as happy with the transfers, which are a defeat for Trentino, which instead is incapable of creating structures and situations for correct management of the presence of bears and wolves. The best thing would have been to join forces to have an area here, in the area, where the bears of Trentino can be managed in a non-zoo park manner”.

“The issue could have been exploited by supporting a center for wildlife studies to enhance the concept of respect for biodiversity, perhaps by linking it to a university course, instead it was preferred to support the transfer. And it’s the same thing, actually worse than decreeing his deathprecisely because it is a wild animal and cannot live in captivity.”

The animal rights association’s proposal would be to “free the Casteller bears, at high altitude, monitored and controlled, perhaps using the funds intended for those large associations that talk about animal protection, but rejoice when they are deported to zoo parks. Let’s release them in controlled areas, at high altitude, with continuous checks.”

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