NASA ALERT! Two Big Asteroids Set To Come Extremely Close To Earth: Check Distance, Speed ​​And Time

NASA ALERT! Two Big Asteroids Set To Come Extremely Close To Earth: Check Distance, Speed ​​And Time
NASA ALERT! Two Big Asteroids Set To Come Extremely Close To Earth: Check Distance, Speed ​​And Time

Updated May 7, 2024, 3.31pm IST

NASA issues alert on two approaching asteroids, 2024 JR1 and 2024 JO2, detailing their size, speed, and close proximity to Earth.

Asteroids 2024 JR1 and 2024 JO2: Know all the details about these upcoming space rocks here.

NASA has issued a double asteroid alert, as two large space rocks are gearing up for close encounters with Earth. Meet 2024 JR1 and 2024 JO2, both members of the Apollo group, hurtling through space at incredible speeds.

First up is 2024 JR1, measuring in at 33 feet (10.14 metres) in diameter and zooming along at a whopping 46,943 kilometers per hour. This cosmic traveler is scheduled to swing by our planet on May 7, 2024, at 00:03 UTC. While it won’t be making direct contact, it will be passing at a distance of just 295,547 kilometers – which may sound like a lot, but in cosmic terms, it’s a close shave!

Next on the list is 2024 JO2, a slightly smaller asteroid at approximately 30 feet (9.11 metres) in size but boasting an even faster speed of 51,769 kilometers per hour. This speedy space rock is also scheduled for a close encounter with Earth on the same day, May 7, 2024, at 04:13 UTC. While it will be keeping a bit more distance, with a closest approach of 651,292 kilometers, it’s still close enough to catch our attention.

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Now, before you start to panic, it’s essential to understand that these asteroids are not on a collision course with our planet. However, their close proximity serves as a reminder of the need for constant vigilance when it comes to near-Earth objects. While most of these space rocks pose no threat, a small fraction, known as potentially hazardous asteroids, require closer monitoring.

Thankfully, NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) is on the case. Utilizing data from observatories around the world, including contributions from amateur stargazers, CNEOS keeps a watchful eye on all known near-Earth objects. With the help of NASA-funded observatories like Pan-STARRS and the Catalina Sky Survey, as well as planetary radar projects like JPL’s Goldstone Solar System Radar Group, scientists can track these asteroids’ movements and assess any potential risks they may pose.

So, while 2024 JR1 and 2024 JO2 may be making a close pass by Earth, there’s no need to sound the alarm just yet. With NASA keeping a watchful eye on the skies, we can rest assured knowing that our planet is safe. Keep looking up, stay informed, and enjoy the wonders of the cosmos – from a safe distance, of course!

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