Alessandro Ginotta – Comment on the Gospel of the day, 28 March 2024 –

Alessandro Ginotta – Comment on the Gospel of the day, 28 March 2024 –
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Today we will take a journey through space and time. More or less two thousand years ago, we will meet a man holding a jug of water and we will follow him. Oh, if only we knew what would happen to the water in that jug!

In Jerusalem everyone is busy preparing for the great Easter celebration. The man who went to draw water from the well, according to a legend, is the father of the evangelist Mark, and is the owner of the building in which the Cenacle is located.

Let’s try to close our eyes, push away all thoughts and immerse ourselves in this atmosphere that takes us right to the center of one of the most important pages of the Gospel and right inside the large hall where, for the first time, Jesus celebrated the Eucharist:

Do you see it? The stone walls are covered up to half the height with mats and carpets. Many lamps hang from the ceiling. In the center of the room there is a hearth which is used to bake unleavened bread and roast the Passover lamb. Here we see the table, what a privilege! What an emotion! All the apostles are sitting around a white draped tablecloth. In the center is Jesus. Splendid, in a white robe. But what do you do now?! Look, Jesus is getting up: “He put aside his clothes, took a towel and tied it around his waist. Then he poured some water into the basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and dry them with the towel he had wrapped himself with.” (vv. 4-5). […] Continue reading here.

Courtesy of Alessandro Ginotta

Source: La Buona Parola, Alessandro Ginotta’s blog
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