Game of the Bridge, victory of Mezzogiorno in the beautiful

Game of the Bridge, victory of Mezzogiorno in the beautiful
Game of the Bridge, victory of Mezzogiorno in the beautiful

Pisa, 29 June 2024 – After a long parade at 9.30 pm we start on the Ponte di Mezzo for the Gioco del Ponte fights. Who will win? In 2023 Tramontana won, but now everything is back in play for the last big event of Giugno Pisano. (the photos are by Enrico Mattia Del Punta, the report by Saverio Bargagna and Michele Bufalino) 7.30 PM – The parade begins about 30 minutes late, due to a problem with a horse for the general of Tramontana.

9.30 PM – The parade ends, marred by a huge brawl between a fan and some Delfini fighters.

9.40 PM – Tramontana chooses to send the Satyrs onto the Bridge, Mezzogiorno responds with the Dolphins.

ORE 22 – FIRST POINT FOR MIDDAY! The Dolphins win in 9’44” and the Southern side takes a 1-0 lead.

The victory of the Dolphins


10.05pm – Midday sends the Lions onto the bridge. Tramontana responds with Santa Maria.

Ore 22.18 – TRAMONTANA DRAW. Santa Maria’s victory in 5’30”

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

10.26pm – Tramontana sends Calci, one of the strongest teams, to Ponte di Mezzo.

10.36pm – After careful consultation, the Mezzogiorno command responds by choosing San Marco

(directly from the Bridge the incredible fight between Calci and San Marco)

Ore 23.00 – SPECTACULAR FIGHT! After a long fight that lasted 17’59” Calci reversed the situation a few centimeters from defeat, bringing the cart back to the other side and bringing Tramontana sensationally to 2-1. Truly a spectacle on the Bridge.




11.11pm – Steve Conti, captain of Calci, comments on one of the most exciting fights in the history of the Gioco del Ponte: “It’s not the 20 Calci fighters who won, this evening 40 of us won”.

11.25pm ​​- Tramontana sends San Francesco onto the bridge, while Mezzogiorno responds with Sant’Antonio.

Ore 23.47 – SAINT ANTONY STROKE. Another very long fight in 18’47” concluded with the victory of Sant’Antonio that brings the situation back to parity. Tramontana-Mezzogiorno 2-2.


Saint Anthony

11.50 pm – Midday immediately sends San Martino to the bridge. Tramontana responds with San Michele. A SUPER CHALLENGE is announced. The revenge compared to 12 months ago.

Ore 00.24 – OVERTAKING MIDDAY! After a fight of almost half an hour (23’21) San Martino confirms itself as the strongest team of the Gioco del Ponte, beating San Michele. Mezzogiorno takes the lead 3-2.

The victory of San Martino

00.33 – Here is the last fight between Mattaccini and Dragoni, but there is an air of “Bella” in the air.

The success of the Mattaccini

Ore 00.43 – TIE. The Mattaccini close the Dragoni practice in 4’52”. It ends 3-3, we will go to the ‘beautiful’ with the national teams of Tramontana and Mezzogiorno to assign the Palio del Gioco del Ponte 2024.

Ore 01.15 MIDDAY WINS. The Game of the Bridge, 2024 edition, ends with the victory of Mezzogiorno alla bella. The Southern Party wins over Borea in 10 minutes and 45′ seconds.

The victory of Mezzogiorno in the beautiful

The victory of Mezzogiorno in the beautiful

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