The new Ferrari comes from China and will have a price accessible to all: the revolution has already begun

China is growing more and more on the market and is now also approaching Ferrari, with a new model that is truly crazy.

There are brands that have shown truly unprecedented growth throughout their history, with the Ferrari which represents luxury and beauty all over the world. Supercars have a sensational point of reference in Maranello society, so much so that even the new emerging realities cannot help but take inspiration from it.

New Ferrari from China (

One of the most beautiful cars ever designed in recent years is undoubtedly the Thoroughbred. No one would have ever imagined the production of the home SUV Ferrari, with this being an exceptional giant and which comes with a length of 497 cm, a width of 203 cm and a height of 159 cm, which makes it approved for four people.

There is certainly no lack of internal development for this model, but the engine is its strong point. In fact, it mounts a sensational V12 with 6496 displacement which can deliver up to a maximum of 725 horsepower, which brings it to a maximum peak speed of well 310 km/h. The starting price to have this jewel is 390 thousand Euros, but an incredible “clone” arrives from China.

Xiaomi MX11: it looks like a Ferrari

After the market launch of the SU7, now there Xiaomi he really seems to have taken a liking to designing exceptional cars. The sensational case comes from the spy photos circulating on the internet of the new car from the Chinese company, with the MX11 which highlights itself once again as a luxury and undoubtedly very elegant brand.

Xiaomi MX11 (Twitter –

The reasons that led to the Xiaomi to design so soon after the SU7 the second automotive model depends on its own exceptional success. Over twenty thousand models have already been sold, which represents a higher number than what the company known for the production of smartphones had imagined.

The characteristics of the Xiaomi MX11 they are really very similar to that of the Purosangue, at least from an aesthetic point of view. However, it is not known how and when it will be launched on the market and above all the engine is not known. It is undeniable that Xiaomi will hardly be able to replicate the power of the Purosangue, also because it will probably still focus on electric. However, the automotive concept is increasingly developing from China and the MX11 is already starting to make people dream.

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