Cell phones always on: here’s the damage to your smartphone and your health

Cell phones always on: here’s the damage to your smartphone and your health
Cell phones always on: here’s the damage to your smartphone and your health

Keeping cell phones on all the time is bad for you: this is why they damage your smartphone and have a negative impact on your health

Cell phone on all the time and even at night: why it’s bad – planetcellulare.it

Lots of people keep theirs mobile phones always on. A habit, especially for those jobs that require availability at all hours of the day – such as doctors – or those people who have elderly relatives far from home. The smartphone is constantly active, perhaps kept open for any call or any emergency message. However, is this condition good for the phone and above all for our health?

Keeping cell phones on all the time is bad: the reasons

Keep your cell phone turned on at all times, it hurts terribly. First of all for the health of the phone, which could see problems with the management of its battery. The constant state of switching on, including at night, risks inevitably wearing out the batteries. Conditions which, if habitual, also reduce the lifespan of the battery itself, which may require replacement in shorter times than those indicated on the internal instructions.

It is also bad for human health. On the one hand there is radiation from telephone antennas, already responsible for oncological diseases in people. If that’s not enough, there are also mental pathologies that can arise. The constant use of the smartphone, in addition to triggering obsessions towards the telephone, can influence the aggravation of states of anxiety and stress.

Why turning off cell phones is good for you: the reason – planetcellulare.it

Good use of your smartphone: when to turn it off and why

According to telephone industry experts, for good use of the smartphone it would be enough to turn it off at least once a week for a couple of hours. A habit that no one has, but it would be enough to help our mental health and especially that of our cell phone. A weekly closure would guarantee the rest of the battery, which in this way would not be stressed and could last according to the times indicated in the instruction manual.

Turning it off also means give him the opportunity to update himself, perhaps carrying out update operations on the various applications that we have downloaded or the operating system that we keep inside. This function is fundamental, because it allows you to update your phone on new cyber threats on a weekly basis and make it less vulnerable to them.

Closing it, moreover, means make us less vulnerable to hackers. If we were under attack, even without our knowledge, turning it off closes all connections between our phone and hackers. An effective methodology to defend our sensitive data, considering how these people search for our information and especially the numbers linked to our prepaid or credit cards. Good habits that have a positive impact on our health, but also the security of our personal data.

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