Android 15 has just reached an important milestone: release ever closer!

Android 15 is getting closer and closer to the official release. With the third beta just published, Google has reached an important milestone: the platform stability.

Yes, we know that’s what it says in a lot of software updates, but for beta operating systems this has a whole other value: it actually means that the APIs have been finalized and developers can start testing their apps on it almost final version of Android 15.

The steps taken by Android 15 and those still to be taken

But what’s new in this beta? And what can we expect from the final update?

A Step Forward for Passkeys

One of the most significant innovations concerns the user interface of the passkey. Now, using a passkey with biometric authentication is done in a single step, combining the Google Password Manager prompt with the biometric input screen. Additionally, new fallback options accessible from the keyboard and text field drop-down menus have been added, in case you accidentally override the passkey prompt.

The passkey interface before and after the update
The passkey interface before and after the update

Biometric improvements ahead

Android expert Mishaal Rahman discovered that Android 15 may be able to identify itself when a biometric template does not work properly, delete it and request a new registration. This feature, already available manually, could be particularly useful for users who don’t realize that a new biometric registration could improve performance.

What else to expect from Android 15

Android 15 promises several interesting new features, including notification improvements, new customization options, optimizations for foldable devices and more, with Google Gemini flooding Android 15 with features. The final update is expected to be released in the coming months, but for those doesn’t want to wait, you can already download the beta.

In short, Android 15 is increasingly closer to its final form, with the third beta marking an important step forward towards the official release. The innovations introduced in this version, such as passkey improvements and previews of future biometric updates, promise to make the Android experience even more fluid and secure. Stay tuned for further updates and get ready to discover all the new features that Android 15 has in store for us.

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