scholars have never seen anything like it

scholars have never seen anything like it
scholars have never seen anything like it

A new species discovered in Colombia, the first of its kind to emerge from an ancient fragment of fossilized resin, scholars had never seen anything like it.

Natural habitat of the species

In Colombia A fragment of fossilized resin dating back millions of years has emerged and revealed a precious secret about the history of nature.

The scientists revealed, regarding this discovery, that a new species even unique in its kind, so much so that it was unknown to science.

This discovery, nothing short of extraordinary, occurred in a typical context geological and especially mysterious which aroused particular interest among scientists of all the world.

The experts in fact they worked hard to try to identify this new species and try to classify it. This species presented itself to scientists in an impeccable manner, its preservation was exceptional within the resin fragment.

This discovery is absolutely not to be underestimated new species, as well as providing new information regarding the biodiversity from the Colombia, it may have also revealed important information regarding the evolution of life forms over the course of millennia.

While various scientists continue to examine this extraordinary species and study it carefully, this creature remains precious testimony of the fact that the search for knowledge in the world is incessant.

New species discovered, that’s what it’s about

In Colombia a new species has emerged from inside a fragment of resin spider which over the years seems to have evolved so much that it has taken on the appearance of one ant. In fact, this spider was nicknamed ‘imitator spider‘.

Imitation spider

It seems like this species of spider has the appearance of industrious small insects that apparently have nothing to fear for all the other insects. The point for the new discovered species is precisely this: Appearances are deceiving.

This species of spider does not have mechanisms chemists to defend themselves, which is why they tend to be solitary creatures, which is why they are more susceptible compared to other creatures with attacks of predators.

This explains why these spiders they imitate the ants, for them, however, this represents a demanding strategy that requires considerable effort.

“It is a challenge for spiders to make this magical transformation into ants. Ants have six legs and two long antennae, while spiders have eight legs and no antennae – explained the author of the new study –. To get around these anatomical differencesspiders typically position their two front legs in a way that approximates the appearance of antennae.”

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