Why are Iling and Barrenecha missing from the press release?

Why are Iling and Barrenecha missing from the press release?
Why are Iling and Barrenecha missing from the press release?

The Juventus he’s serious. The Juventus club immediately gave a boost to this summer session of the Serie A transfer market with the arrival of the Brazilian midfielder Douglas Luiz from Aston Villa. An important coup to be made available to Thiago Motta next season. But there are already those who are raising the first doubts and not of a technical nature.

Juventus, the press release for Douglas Luiz

L’Officiality of the operation that brings Douglas Luiz to Juventus arrived yesterday with a press release from the Juventus club itself announcing the reaching of an agreement for the permanent acquisition of the Brazilian midfielder for a fee of 50 million payable in 4 financial years and additional charges of 1.5 million euros. For the player a five-year contract until 30 June 2029.

No reference to Iling and Barrenechea

In the press release published by the Juventus yesterday there was no reference to Iling jr of Barrenecheathe two players inserted by the Juventus club and the sporting director Cristiano Giuntoli as a counterpart to get to the Brazilian midfielder. The announcement made yesterday allows the Old Lady to include the cost of Douglas Luiz in the 2023/2024 budget while the rest of the deal with Aston Villa and therefore the sale of the two young players for a cost of around 22 million will end in the next financial year. Technical expedients that companies always do for financial and budgetary reasons but which now end up under the magnifying glass.

The Douglas Luis affair is already a case

The “capital gains” case remains a rather vivid memory in the minds of the people Juventus fans who have always believed they were victims of persecution by the Italian sports justice system. Now the decision to announce the purchase of Douglas Luiz in this way creates some concern: “No mention of Iling and Barrenecha’s move to Aston Villa in the Juve press release. Clear fraud to get around the rule on swaps. Everyone does it but it’s a clear scam to get around the rules on financial fair play. Can we say it or should we pretend nothing is happening?”. A post that sparks controversy among Juventus fans who consider the case unfounded. Paradoxically, the risk could be moreAston Villa under Premier League rules.

Fonte: Getty
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