Volleyball, Altafratte acquires Montecchio’s title and returns to A2

Volleyball, Altafratte acquires Montecchio’s title and returns to A2
Volleyball, Altafratte acquires Montecchio’s title and returns to A2

“Having reached the seventh consecutive season in Serie A2 and with ever-improving results, the Club questioned itself about the future and came to the conclusion that it could not have done better as a group of lovers of this beautiful sport.

The regulatory change, the ever-increasing commitment required of those who manage a reality of this level, the need to find significant investments to aim for the top series, have led us to evaluate a path of transfer of the sports right. We recognized ourselves in the values ​​of AltaFratte and for this reason made ourselves available to see the great work done in these years and the experience accumulated continue here in Veneto.

In a beautiful iconic movie “Bicentennial Man” there is a recurring phrase “one is happy to serve”, I like to think similarly “Montecchio is happy to serve”

If Montecchio gives up the sporting title, a slightly more experienced AltaFratte will try again, knowing full well that it will once again be a battle to the last ball.

But why did AltaFratte decide to dive back into the difficult sea of ​​the A2 series? The president is the one to answer Emanuel Rizzo:

“We made this decision because we feel capable this time of sustaining the assault of the teams we will face, last season we arrived late and encountered a world too big for our reality. This time the team will be different, the staff as well and also from a corporate point of view we will not be faced with another leap in the dark”

And what will be the seasonal objectives?

“The answer is a bit like the result of the previous question, we want to show that we deserve the category, that we can be there, because we are convinced that our reality absolutely deserves the A2 series, last year we learned many things, now the time has come to put them into practice by leveraging the great passion that animates our work group”


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