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Milan, Lukaku coup at lower figures: the details

Milan, Lukaku coup at lower figures: the details
Milan, Lukaku coup at lower figures: the details

The purchase of Lukaku cannot be ruled out: Milan is seriously thinking about it and it can be closed under these conditions, all the details

It’s no secret that the priority of Milan on the market is a striker. A purchase postponed several times but now it is no longer possible because from next year he will not even be there Olivier Giroud.

The Frenchman, announced for months, will continue his career in Major League Soccer. Instead, it will remain, Luka Jovic: arrived at the last second of the last summer market, the club decided to activate the option to renew for another year.

L’ex Fiorentina will be used as a second or even third striker. Yes because in the ideas of Ibrahimovic e Moncada there could be the addition of not one but two forwards, thus revolutionising a department that certainly needs fresh strength.

The situation Joshua Zirkzee it is now clear to everyone: there is still a stalemate regarding commissions, and this is putting the success of the deal at serious risk. Also because in the meantime, apparently, serious progress is being made Manchester United.

So here we are, thinking about alternatives and among the names taken into consideration by the company there is a sensational one: Romelu Lukaku. Can it really be done? Yes, but only under some conditions.

Lukaku-Milan, yes under these conditions: possible coup

The option Lukaku It’s nothing new around Milan House. The attacker was also proposed last year, even before definitively saying no to returning toInter. Nothing was done about it, with the Belgian then forced to wait until the last few weeks of the transfer window to go to the Roma borrowed.

Lukaku to Milan, yes on these conditions (ANSA) –

Well, this scenario could happen again. Or rather, it is the only possible one to ensure that Lukaku can wear the shirt of Milan. To date, the player has been proposed by the entourage and the response from the Rossoneri has been clear: under the current conditions, no, it cannot be done. But…

If he Chelsea were to offer a discount on the price tag or even open up the possibility of a loan, so the deal could take off. This is confirmed Charles Pellegattispoke to the microphones of TV Play.

The well-known journalist explained that “Lukaku could arrive at much lower figures a week before the end of the market. I imagine that the Rossoneri club, at that point, will have already found its striker“.

However, things could get complicated, considering that the negotiations for Zirkzee he still doesn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and other options are either too expensive or not convincing.

Speaking of former Roma players, there has also been contact for Abraham. Il Milan but he is not entirely convinced. The truth is that the only footballer that everyone agrees on is the Dutchman Bolognawho pushes just as hard to wear the Rossoneri shirt.

This post was last modified on 29 Giugno 2024 – 19:46

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