Artz wins in Zocca, but the spotlight is all on Privitera

ZOCCA – Blue eyes and red cheeks from the effort, Huub Artz shows up at the press conference after the podium still with the signs of fatigue on him. The Dutchman born in 2002 from Wanty-ReUz, who already has a two-year contract with the WorldTour team, achieves his second success of the season. Before today she had raised her arms to the sky in the Gent-Wevelgem under 23. In Zocca he signed another important victory (opening LaPresse photo).

«Today was the right stage for me – says Artz – I’m really happy with how it went. I’m still not sure what kind of runner I am, certainly after yesterday’s stage I don’t like long climbs. I think I’m a Classics rider or stages like these, with short bursts. Next year will be all to discover, I hope to have a good winter and grow with the right steps. Maybe I’ll be ready to win right away or I’ll need an adaptation period. I’ve already raced with the professionals, but next year will definitely be different.”

Outburst of anger

48 seconds later Artz crosses the finish line Samuele Privitera. The face pulled into a grimace of pain and the legs struggling to turn the pedals. He too is one of the ravenous boys born in 2005 who are taking on the roles of absolute protagonists in this Giro Next Gen.

«This first adventure at the Giro Next Gen didn’t start in the best way – he says – after the initial time trial I had a fever and a cold. TO Pian della Mussa I reached the end of the stage by miracle, I won’t deny that I thought about going home. Even yesterday in Fosse I was still stuck, but I promised myself that with the condition I was in it was right to try something. So today, in the first kilometres, I sprinted and broke away from the group. Isidore followed me and we were 20 kilometers to the wind, pushing hard. The other six boys also returned and we went to the finish line by mutual agreement.”

Privitera, in a white jersey, was the first to respond to Artz’s attack (photo LaPresse)
Privitera, in a white jersey, was the first to respond to Artz’s attack (photo LaPresse)

Pride and revenge

In the most difficult moment of the season he pulled his best performance out of the hat. A symptom of how much the fire of revenge burned inside him.

«I thought – he explains with new energy – that it was all a mental factor. I told myself that the time had come to get smart and try to save something on the flats. I didn’t make all the changes and once the final climb began I pushed as hard as I could. It’s a shame because I came very close to winning, the head counts more than the abilities. Today it is a heartfelt third place. The Giro Next Gen made me grow a lot, both mentally and physically. Resist the temptation to abandon e finishing third in a stage like this made me take an important step».

At the finish line he was exhausted, but today he showed that he has a lot of strength of mind and will
At the finish line he was exhausted, but today he showed that he has a lot of strength of mind and will

From bikes to books

Privitera, in his first year as an under-23 player at Hagens Berman Jayco, has made great strides.

«This year – concludes Privitera – I have been constantly growing from the winter until now. Before coming here to the Giro I was at Alpes Isère and I pedaled very well, with very good numbers. I just have to say thank you to the team because we never lack for anything: nutritionist, chef, masseurs… Axel Merckx believes in me so much, he was the first to tell me not to give up, he is a diesse with a capital “D”. Tomorrow this adventure ends and the final exams begin, so that’s where your head will go. Then I will focus on cycling, which has now become my job, even if I don’t rule out enrolling at University: Sports Sciences.”

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