Six hundred young rugby players on the field on Sunday in Piacenza for the Sanfelici memorial

Six hundred young rugby players on the field on Sunday in Piacenza for the Sanfelici memorial
Six hundred young rugby players on the field on Sunday in Piacenza for the Sanfelici memorial

Sunday 26 May will be a day full of events for the Lyons family, who will all be called back to the fields for the thirty-eighth Marco Sanfelici Memorialthe national tournament organized by Asd Rugby Lyons Propaganda. The Memorial will be held entirely on Sunday morning, on four competition fields. Thanks to the availability of the Municipality of Piacenza, the tournaments of the Under 6, Under 8 and Under 10 categories will be able to count not only on the pitch of the Lyons headquarters in Via Rigolli, but also of the adjacent Bertocchi Stadium, which will thus allow the tournament to run more smoothly . As regards the Under 12 category, the two playing fields of the “Walter Beltrametti” Stadium will be used, as already done in last year’s edition.

This year’s edition already promises to be a great success, with a total of fifteen participating companies coming from five different regions, an increase compared to the last edition. Forty teams are registered in all categories, for a total of over six hundred members who will take to the field. Great satisfaction with the numbers of this edition in the words of the President of Asd Rugby Lyons Propaganda Daniele Moggi: “The ‘Marco Sanfelici’ Memorial is the heart of our annual programming – he says – and arriving at the end of the year with so many teams registered always gives us great pleasure: it means that our hospitality and our organization are recognized and appreciated, testifying to the growth seen in recent years by our Propaganda Sector. The organization of these events has become increasingly complicated, both due to technical requirements such as the size of the fields and the needs of families and children, and providing a welcoming and enthusiastic environment is a fundamental business card for the success of such a tournament. important. I must thank all our managers and parents who have worked hard in recent days and who will be on the field to support our kids, because the strength of our family lies precisely in the cohesion and enthusiasm of the individuals. I hope that the effort and commitment made can give all our guests an unforgettable day of fun and passion.”

THE PROGRAM – The big day of the “Marco Sanfelici” tournament will begin at 10 am on Sunday with the start of the competitions, which will continue until the early afternoon. At the end of the tournaments, all the teams will meet at the Lyons headquarters for the third half and the awards ceremony. The stand of the technical sponsor Errea will also be present on the pitch in via Rigolli, which will present the team’s gadgets and the celebratory t-shirts of this edition of the Memorial.

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