“Fanpage investigation, regime stuff. Racists out of Fdi”

“Fanpage investigation, regime stuff. Racists out of Fdi”
“Fanpage investigation, regime stuff. Racists out of Fdi”

I have already asked the party to take actionobviously I could not have been aware” of those facts. This was stated by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the sidelines of the European Council, regarding the Fanpage investigation into Gioventù nazionale, the youth movement of Fratelli d’Italia. “As I have said many times and I repeat, I think that anyone with racist, anti-Semitic or nostalgic feelings has made the wrong choice for their home. These feelings are incompatible with Fdi, with the Italian right and with the political line that we have clearly defined in recent years. I do not accept that there is any ambiguity on this. Also because I think that these people are the best allies of those who want us badly”, remarks Meloni.

“Infiltrating political parties” is a method used by “the regimes”he observes on the modalities of the investigation. “There is no ambiguity on my part on this – he states – but I return to the subject, because in 75 years of republican history no one has thought of infiltrating a political party and secretly filming its meetings”.

“Is it allowed? I ask you – he continues, addressing a reporter – I ask the political parties, I ask the President of the Republic: is it allowed from today? Perfect, because we know that from today it is allowed to infiltrate political parties, to secretly film their meetings. Do you know why I’m telling you this? Because in other times these are the methods that regimes used: infiltrating political parties”.

To the objection that this is a journalistic investigative method, Meloni replies: “Look, it is not a journalistic method, because it is a method for which investigators were used”.

The investigation conducted by Fanpage a “new frontier of political conflict”. “I want to be clear once again – she states – also because I think that these people, who have evidently not understood where they are, are the best allies of those who wish us harm. I think that we must be very determined on this”.

“Then from here to what I read – he continues – where someone is asking for the dissolution of an entire youth organization on the basis of facts that concern some people, I think that, if the same investigation – shall we call it a journalistic investigation? – were done in all the youth organizations of the political parties, we do not know what could come out. We will not know because, in the history of the Italian Republic, What Fanpage did with Fratelli d’Italia has never happened, with any political party, with any youth organization, with any trade union organization“.

“It was never considered – he added – to infiltrate a political organization, secretly film its meetings, even film the personal affairs of minors, select what to send”.

There is no minor in the clear, she is objected to. “But there were minors filmed – he replies – it seems to me that there are also complaints from their parents, right? So there were minors. And selecting what to send and sending it has never happened. I, for goodness’ sake, note that this is a new frontier of political conflict, also due to how politics has clearly used the investigation. “I note that from today, in political conflict, it is possible to infiltrate political parties and trade unions, secretly film their meetings and publish them at one’s discretion. Because the political parties are telling me that it can be done: I take note of it”, she concludes.

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