opposition without time limits

opposition without time limits
opposition without time limits

It is always possible to oppose a seizure or a payment order by contesting the statute of limitations on the fine.

What the Court of Cassation wrote today on the subject of fines for violations of the highway code could save many motorists from paying old fines now expired. This is ordinance no. 18152/2024 which should be explained in a few simple words.

As you know, the police must send the fine within 90 days of the violation. In case of delay you must immediately oppose, that is within 30 days to the Justice of the Peace or within 60 to the Prefect. Otherwise the fine must be paid.

Now let’s imagine that the fine is notified correctly. At this point it is good to know that

the fine becomes time-barred if the tax bill is not received within 5 years.

So let’s assume that you receive the folder in the sixth year after the notification of the report. You could do it right away opposition to the folder to have it annulled and to contest the statute of limitations. Opposition which, in this case, must be made within 30 days to the Justice of the Peace.

But what happens to those who have never opposed? Here is the good news from the ruling of the Court of Cassation: there is no deadline to contest the statute of limitations of the fine. The objection can be made at any time, therefore also by challenging the payment demand, the administrative seizure notice or the seizure by the Collection Agent. Therefore, for example, if you have a time-barred fine and they place an administrative seizure on you, even in that place you can contest the prescription even if you have not done so before.

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