«Nights spent studying and the songs of Fiorella Mannoia»

Precise, organised, persevering and creative: Loredana Borraccini never gives up and with an iron and tempered calm she has always looked ahead to achieve her goals one after the other. «After 43 years of papers and administrative work – says Loredana – I discovered myself as a hobbyist and I love manual skills, I sew, crochet and knit, I like to decorate». An inexhaustible energy, which she also uses in the criminology studies that she is carrying out, preparing her master’s thesis.

The curiosity

«I am curious by nature – explains Loredana, thinking back to her adolescence – and I like to learn. It’s been that way since I was young. We must consider – she adds, thinking about the school setup in those years – that order and discipline were required in the classroom. It’s not like today, in a participatory mode, but it was the school with wooden desks and cast iron or terracotta stoves. Our primary school teacher, for example, was very strict and we feared her. There was a very high sense of duty among the students.” An attitude that is no longer so obvious in today’s young generations. «Other times, there was a logic of respect, rigor, education and also civic sense that is a bit difficult to find now, when it seems that the rules no longer exist. The current society is a bit liquid, superficial on some situations, and indifferent. Everything has repercussions on the community… Sometimes I think I’m missing the basics when faced with the facts that happen.”

Loredana gets along very well with studying: «At school, my favorite subject was mathematics. Professor Sorrentino had great faith in me, he encouraged me to study. Perhaps, also due to this love of order, I like to plan, organize – confesses Loredana, in a pleasant tone – and, in fact, I cannot stand by and watch. He is stronger than me. I always have to find solutions to the problems that confront me.” The commitment, the desire to do which has always animated the young Loredana, with her gaze projected forward, sometimes a little against the current, listening to the music of Eros Ramazzotti, Battiato, Fiorella Mannoia and dreaming with the films that they marked that era, like Pretty Woman and Flashdance.


As a true Ascoli native, eldest daughter of two “Piazzarolesi”, Marisa and Luigi, known as Nino and a prominent figure not only in the district but for the whole community, she spent her youth first in Piazzarola, at 12 she moved to the centre, finally to Piazza Immacolata. She fondly remembers those Quintana years, an exciting and engaging party: «I was small in stature, so I always was a page boy!» Continuously moving, relentlessly towards her goals, since adolescence when she had very little free time: «I supported myself through my studies and when I was young I always worked, dealing with paperwork, at the land registry or at the Chamber of Commerce for example – says Loredana – I studied at night and very early in the morning, except when I was under exams. I worked during the day.” Going to the bottom of things, investigating and also seeing what’s behind a fact because understanding the context in which we move becomes fundamental for acting: «When I was young I wasn’t shy, on the contrary, I was empathetic and I easily engaged in conversation. I liked being in contact with people. Then as today, I have the so-called long wave: first I have to understand, including what’s around me, then I act.”

Today’s woman, who has made her reflective spirit mature towards incisiveness, would give the teenage Loredana wise and energetic advice, which comes from her long work experience and commitment on many social fronts: «Reflect yes, but go out in the open earlier, in the sense of being more enterprising.” And what about today’s young people? «Certainly the suggestion I feel like giving is to be more creative, to give space to what they have inside. Sometimes I see them off. Avoid being flat and copying and pasting because others do it! Precious advice and an invitation to maintain the right attitude and face life with more courage and uniqueness.


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Adriatic Courier

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