Fedez’s bodyguard, Christian Rosiello, speaks: “The only thing I was interested in was bringing my client to safety”. The words to Afternoon 5

Fedez’s bodyguard, Christian Rosiello, speaks: “The only thing I was interested in was bringing my client to safety”. The words to Afternoon 5
Fedez’s bodyguard, Christian Rosiello, speaks: “The only thing I was interested in was bringing my client to safety”. The words to Afternoon 5

The AC Milan bodyguard and supporter was interviewed by the correspondent of the program hosted by Myrta Merlino

The reconstruction of the facts published by several newspapers, Fedez investigated for affray, injuries and battery in complicity against Cristiano Iovino, Roman personal trainer. The Prosecutor’s hypothesis sees the rapper as the “instigator” of the “punitive expedition” which took place in Milan against Iovino on the night between 22 and 23 April. However, Iovino has not sued: if he does not do so by the end of July, only the charge of affray against the rapper will remain standing.

With him that evening also his bodyguard, Christian RosielloAC Milan ultras who was intercepted by the microphones of Afternoon 5. Claudio Giambene, correspondent of Myrta Merlinreached him and Rosiello told what happened to the TheClub, or in the place where Fedez and Iovino would have argued before the subsequent ambush in the street: “They are very complicated situations, because you are in a narrow space and you try to have a 360 degree view, but with your eye always on the customer. At that moment there were so many people who were involved and had nothing to do with it, the only thing that interested me was getting my client safely. The moment he is safe, I no longer focus on what is happening around me“. Again: “I know there are investigations, so I don’t feel like saying things that perhaps have nothing to do with the fact, beyond what happened in the nightclub. There I can assure you that I did my job.” In short, Rosiello specified that he accompanied Fedez home at 2.30/3 in the morning (and therefore before the fight) and to have been present in the nightclub while carrying out his workor that of Fedez’s bodyguard.

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