The Theory of Everything tonight on Rete 4: plot, cast, Stephen Hawking – Promo

The Theory of Everything tonight on Rete 4: plot, cast, Stephen Hawking – Promo
The Theory of Everything tonight on Rete 4: plot, cast, Stephen Hawking – Promo


The Theory of Everything on Rete 4, plot and cast of the film about Stephen Hawking

Sunday 30 June, in prime time on Rete 4 and streaming on Mediaset Infinity, an appointment with the biopic on the physicist Stephen Hawking

The theory of everything, biopic about Stephen Hawkingwill be broadcast on Sunday 30 June in prime time on Rete 4 and simultaneously streaming on Mediaset Infinity.

The Theory of Everything, the plot of the film

The film tells the story of Stephen HawkingBritish physicist and astrophysicist, and his love story with Jane Wilde, the woman who stood by him when he had to deal with progressive muscular atrophy, a disease that forced him to live in a wheelchair.

Stephen Hawking, despite increasingly serious motor difficulties, does not lose his lucidity and manages to present his theory on the beginning and end of the universe.

After an accident, the physicist also loses his vocal cords and will be unable to communicate through a computerized communication system.

The Theory of Everything: The Cast and Leading Actors

Eddie Redmayne plays Stephen Hawkinga role that allowed him to win the Oscar award as Best Actor in a Leading Role in 2015 and a Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama.

Felicity Jones plays Jane, achieving great success from the public and critics. This interpretation allowed her to receive nominations for the Oscars and the Golden Globes.

The Theory of Everything: Trivia About the Film and the Book

Both leading actors, Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones, attended Stephen Hawking’s funeral following his death in Cambridge on 14 March 2018.

Stephen Hawking himself was particularly impressed by Eddie Redmayne’s performance, so much so that he complimented the director in a letter he sent James Marsh.

The film is based on the biography To infinitypublished by Jane Wilde Hawking, Stephen’s wife for many years.


June 30, 2024

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