Heavy metals in swimsuits, major seizure is triggered

Heavy metals in swimsuits, major seizure is triggered
Heavy metals in swimsuits, major seizure is triggered

Swimsuits that would have supplied shops in Padua, but also in the main Italian seaside resorts. Unfortunately, they were not safe and the watchful eye of the Fiamme Gialle of Padua at the end of June avoided potential dangers for end users. As part of the memorandum of understanding signed between the two administrations, officials from the Padua Customs office and the military from the provincial command of the Guardia di Finanza seized over two million items of swimwear and underwear destined for the seaside resorts of the Triveneto region, deemed unsafe.

The operation

The goods, found in two separate warehouses located in the industrial area of ​​Padua and in use by the same company, inside the China wholesale center in Corso Uniti, did not contain any useful information for assessing and preventing the risks deriving from use, in violation of the provisions of the Consumer Code. Furthermore, the analyzes carried out by the chemical officials of the laboratory of the Customs and Monopolies Agency, who used a sophisticated portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer capable of characterizing in real time the composition of the goods subjected to control, confirmed the presence in the
composition of tissues of traces of heavy metals.

The measures

The owner of the company, a fifty-year-old Chinese man, was reported to the Padua Chamber of Commerce for the administrative violations detected and all the goods found were seized. The interventions of the Guardia di Finanza and the Customs and Monopolies Agency are part of the broader oversight of the Corps and ADM to guarantee the safety and health of consumers, Made in Italy and the correct functioning of the market for goods and services .

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