loans are increasing, +2.1% for businesses –

At the end of March 2024, outstanding loans from the Parma credit system at the same date last year increased by 1.0%. bank loans thus rose to 14.3 billion euros.

The data released by the Bank of Italy and analyzed by the Research Office of the Emilia Chamber of Commerce highlight an increase compared to the same period of the previous year both for businesses (+2.1%) and for Public Administrations (+ 5.0%), while consumer families show a decline (-0.6%); the most significant decrease however relates to financial and insurance companies, which show -17.1% compared to March 2023.

As always, the business world absorbs the majority of banking loans, which stands at 61.7%, followed by consumer families with 34.6%, public administrations with 2.7% and companies financial and insurance companies with 0.8%.

Looking at the production system, the trends are diversified depending on the sector of economic activity: the manufacturing sector, for example, shows a credit growth of 14.2%, while construction and services have shown a decline of 2.2% respectively. and 10.8% compared to March 2023.

Given the increase in loans, the rate of credit deterioration also appears to be growing slightly, reaching 1.0% from 0.9% in March 2023.

The rate of change in deposits shows a slightly negative figure (-0.2%, for a value of 16.4 billion euros); on the other hand, the value of securities under custody increased, with a growth of 23.4% and a total stock value of 12.8 billion.

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