Transition 5.0: over 900 million euros of potential investments in Padua and Rovigo

Transition 5.0: over 900 million euros of potential investments in Padua and Rovigo
Transition 5.0: over 900 million euros of potential investments in Padua and Rovigo

The provinces of Padua and Rovigo could see a wave of significant investments thanks to the Transition 5.0 program and the return of significant tax credits. According to estimates by the CNA Padua and Rovigo Research Office, in the two-year period 2024-2025 a total investment volume of at least 900 million eurosOf these, just under 800 million will be allocated to the province of Padua and over 100 million to that of Rovigo, with tax breaks that amount to a total of approximately 380 million euros.

If the decrees implementing the measure are published in a timely manner, the values ​​expected for 2024-2025 will represent almost four times the investments of 2023, which stood at around 250 million euros for the two provinces. CNA estimates based on MEF data and “Nuova Sabatini” contribution requests indicate that in 2021, with a 50% tax credit, digital and interconnected investments amounted to approximately 470 million euros, with incentives of approximately 230 million euros. In 2022, due to geopolitical tensions and the reduction of the tax credit to 40%, investments fell to just under 400 million euros.

In the two-year period 2024-2025, companies will be able to take advantage of the incentives of the Transition 5.0 plan in the form of tax credits for investments in digitalization, streamlining of production processes, reduction of energy consumption, sustainability and green development, as well as new training activities for staff.

The Transition Plan 5.0 is financed with 6.3 billion euros, coming from the re-orientation of the PNRR resources, which are added to the funds of the Transition Plan 4.0. This new plan introduces measures for investments in assets and activities that generate energy savings or bring energy efficiency.

The resources are divided as follows: 3.8 billion euros for the purchase of tangible and intangible capital goods 4.0; 1.8 billion euros for systems for self-production and self-consumption of energy from renewable sources; 630 million euros for staff training in digital and green skills. The tax credit varies based on the value of the investment projects and the reduction in consumption achieved. For projects up to 2.5 million euros, the tax credit ranges from 35% for a reduction in global company consumption of at least 3% to 45% if the 10% threshold is exceeded. The advantage can increase further for photovoltaic systems with high or very high efficiency cells, enhancing the system by up to 140% of its actual cost.

«There are many companies in our area that are preparing to seize the opportunity of Transition 5.0 to make new investments» he declares Luca Montagninpresident of CNA Padova e Rovigo. «This demonstrates how entrepreneurs, starting with those artisans that Cna Padova e Rovigo is proud to represent, continue to bet on their competitiveness and on the innovation capacity of an economic and social system that still has a lot to give, even in the future, in terms of growth and distribution of wealth. This was demonstrated, once again, by the exceptional participation in the meeting entitled “Opportunities for subsidized finance for businesses: the Transition Plan 5.0” that Cna Padova e Rovigo organized last Wednesday, June 26. An event with hybrid participation, online but also in the Padua and Rovigo offices of Cna, which provided entrepreneurs with a lot of useful information on how to prepare for the calls for tenders of the new incentive plan once the implementing decrees of the measure are published».

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