Great success for the Wild Mussel Festival in Marina di Ravenna

Great success for the Wild Mussel Festival in Marina di Ravenna
Great success for the Wild Mussel Festival in Marina di Ravenna

Yesterday, Sunday 30 June, the Wild Mussel Festival ended in Marina di Ravenna, organized in the last weekend of June, in Molo Dalmazia, in the Fishing Basin with the aim of promoting the Wild Mussel and supporting the mussel fishermen who continue to practice this tough sea job with passion.

The closing day also recorded excellent participation from the public and mussel lovers. The center of the event during the three days of the festival was the area of ​​the fishing basin – between Molo Dalmazia and the former Fish Market – in Marina di Ravenna where meetings and cooking shows were held and where some stands offered the public the Wild Mussels. The stands were managed by: Aurora Osteria & Cultura; L’Acciuga Osteria; Finisterre Beach Restaurant; Food Truck Savut; Fishermen from Marina di Ravenna; Ravenna Covered Market Restaurant.

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Photo gallerySuccess for the Wild Mussel Festival in Marina di Ravenna 2024

In the afternoon, at the Fish Market Atrium, the cozzaro Sauro Alleati, of the Cooperativa La Romagnola and the fisherman Roberto Melandri, Slow Food Ravenna aps member, talked about the seasonality of the mussels and fish of our sea and the best way to enjoy them taste. And subsequently those present were able to enjoy a tasting of mussels prepared by chef Matteo Salbaroli of the L’Acciuga Osteria restaurant.

The Cozza Selvaggia from Marina di Ravenna is one of the most prized in Italy. “The supply chain of this identifying product of our sea is important for economic, tourist, gastronomic and environmental purposes – explain the organizers -. The festival is held with the collaboration of the cozzari cooperatives that collect the mussels and the local restaurants – from the Ravenna beaches to the city of Ravenna – which include the Wild Mussels of Marina di Ravenna in their menus. Even large-scale retail trade and various fishmongers join the project, making the Wild Mussels from Marina di Ravenna available on their fish counters”.

The event was promoted by Tuttifrutti Advertising Agency with the patronage of Slow Food Ravenna aps, the patronage and contribution of the Municipality of Ravenna, the contribution of Eni and the Eni Enrico Mattei-FEEM Foundation, the patronage of the Province of Ravenna, the Emilia Region -Romagna, of the Ferrara Ravenna Chamber of Commerce, of the Po Delta Park, of the AMA Mediterranean Aquaculture Association and of the Emilia-Romagna Mussel Farmers Consortium.

The event is being supported by Confesercenti, Confcommercio, Legacoop Romagna and AGCI, the fishermen’s cooperatives La Romagnola, Nuovo Conisub, Gruppo Hera, Romagna Acque and also Cestha, Ulisse and the Pro Loco of Marina di Ravenna. Media partners Radio Studio Delta and

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