Gen. Andrea Rispoli visits the Carabinieri Forestry Regional Command “Liguria”

In recent days, the Commander of the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Units of the Carabinieri (CUFA), General of the Army Corps Andrea Rispoli, visited Liguria. The high-ranking officer of the force, received by the Commander of the Carabinieri Forestale Region, Col. Carlo Chiavacci, met with the officers and a delegation of personnel from the forestry specialty of Liguria.


The visit allowed us to highlight the importance of the role that the forestry carabinieri play in the Ligurian territory for the protection of the environment, the defense of forestry heritage and the protection of agri-food quality. During the meeting with the dependent staff, the General thanked all the military personnel for the commitment that is shown daily in carrying out their institutional service.

Gen. CA Rispoli then met the Commander of the Carabinieri Legion “Liguria” Gen. D. Maurizio Ferla, and visited, for a Greetings to HE the Prefect of Genoa Dr. Cinzia Torraco, to the Attorney General of Genoa Dr. Mario Pinelli, to the President of the Court of Appeal Dr. Elisabetta Vidali and to the Chief Prosecutor of Genoa Dr. Nicola Piacente.



The event then continued with a visit to the Carabinieri Forestale Group of Savona, where the Commander met the military personnel who carry out their service in the territory of that province. During the event, a demonstration of the activities carried out by the Anti-poison Dog Unit “Liguria” of the Carabinieri Forestale and the use of the operational drone in use by the Carabinieri Department of the Cinque Terre National Park was carried out at the Priamar fortress.

Gen. CA Rispoli then visited the headquarters of the Ecological Operations Unit of Genoa where he had the opportunity to appreciate the important work that the department carries out for the repression of environmental crimes throughout the regional territory.

During his stay in Genoa, the Commander met, at the Genoa Aquarium, Dr. Giuseppe Costa, president and administrator of the company that manages the structure, and Dr. Silvia Lavorano, general curator of the zoological sector, who showed him the extraordinary display of aquatic biodiversity present in the complex. The occasion allowed to underline and strengthen the collaborative relationship between the Arma and the Genoa Aquarium which holds numerous specimens of endangered species and hosts several animals confiscated following multiple activities of the CITES Units in application of the 1973 Washington Convention (CITES).

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