A River of Drugs from Rome, 5 Arrests and a Lead on Thomas’ Murder – Pescara

A River of Drugs from Rome, 5 Arrests and a Lead on Thomas’ Murder – Pescara
A River of Drugs from Rome, 5 Arrests and a Lead on Thomas’ Murder – Pescara

PESCARA. The implications of the anti-drug operation carried out by the Pescara financial police are emerging, which led to 5 arrests for possession with intent to sell. The first is that among the alleged dealers, there is a 17-year-old arrested in Rome suspected of having connections and contacts that could lead to supplying marijuana and hashish to the Pescara area.

The second development is that during the searches that began at dawn, another kilo of hashish was discovered in the home, in the stadium area, of a drug dealer in his early twenties. The drugs were hidden in the refrigerator. The young man was arrested: officially he lived off odd jobs, but it appears that he was already under investigation.

The two developments are apparently connected and can, yes, add details on drug trafficking between Rome and Pescara, but in particular open a gap in the investigations on drug dealing among minors that also concern the murder of Thomas, the 17-year-old killed in the park with 25 stab wounds by two other kids for a “question of honor”, a drug dealing debt of 250 euros.

read also:

Drugs: online orders and price list, 5 arrests
Rivers of narcotics sold on social media: 4 residence restrictions also triggered, drug dealing just a click away on the Rome-Pescara axis. The financial police of the Adriatic capital are in action

The Finana followed the 20-year-old from Pescara, and it is through this activity that it managed to trace the 17-year-old from Rome. The two knew each other well. The younger one in a wiretap allegedly boasted about the fact that he could reach the Casamonica family, the extinct family among the most powerful in the capital. And his reference, according to the Finanza, was precisely the 20-year-old who from Rome _ Quadraro district _ published on social media, Telegram and Signal, price lists and photos of the drugs, took the orders and left for Pescara where he met the customers (the “pushers”) on the ring road and delivered the goods. One of the pushers was the 17-year-old from Pescara: but was there someone else who took charge of the drugs?

The Guardia di Finanza wants to find out where all the drugs that the 20-year-old Roman boasted of having available came from. And they want to ascertain any connections with Thomas’ murder because they do not exclude that the same drug ring is the same one where the young people who massacred Thomas were involved. The traces left on the cell phones used by the two kids arrested for murder are crucial, but also those of Thomas and the other peers who witnessed the crime and who were part of the same group.

Among other things, in previous “drug market” operations on drug dealing, the Finance Police had already had the opportunity to cross paths with the Roman boy two years ago. At the time he was 15 years old, he had been caught dealing in Rome and the following year he was stopped in Pescara. The investigation revealed that the drug market was in the hands of a family from Pescara. It also worked online here: first the orders, then the appointments and then the collection of the goods. The investigations ascertained sales of over 45 kilos of drugs for a turnover of over one million euros.

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