VENETO – Gangmastering, tax evasion and money laundering: 29 people reported

VENETO – Gangmastering, tax evasion and money laundering: 29 people reported
VENETO – Gangmastering, tax evasion and money laundering: 29 people reported

The Fiamme Gialle of the Villafranca Group of Verona, at the end of an investigation coordinated by the Deputy Public Prosecutors, Dr. Maria Diletta Schiaffino and Dr. Claudia Bisso, have reported three people for the crimes of gangmastering, tax evasion, self-laundering and fraud against the public administration, as well as a further 26 individuals for undue receipt of citizenship income and unemployment benefits.

A criminal association was discovered that managed a company operating in the private security sector, based in the Villafranche area, involved in serious illicit activities.

The investigation began with a tax inspection at the company headquarters, where documents and the contents of company PCs were acquired. Once the first irregularities were found, checks were started with the company’s suppliers and customers and employees were interviewed. The testimonies revealed conditions of exploitation: exhausting work shifts, threats of retaliation for requests for permits or rest periods, lack of weekly rest periods and holidays, obligation to work even during documented accidents, failure to pay compensation for night, overtime and holiday work, work without the necessary qualifications, wages not in compliance with national collective agreements, and the obligation to sign blank resignation sheets for those who did not accept the imposed conditions. Furthermore, it was ascertained that the company employed, over several tax years, 90 illegal workers and approximately 180 irregular workers.

The directors of the company, to reduce the payment of social security withholdings, paid part of the salary through fictitious mileage reimbursements, thus configuring the crime of fraud against a public body.

The company also evaded approximately 3.5 million euros in direct taxes and did not pay approximately 630 thousand euros of VAT, which is why the directors were reported for failure to declare. Part of the proceeds of the tax crime were laundered by paying the salaries of some illegal employees in cash, to hinder the identification of the criminal origin of the money.

These behaviors allowed 26 employees to unduly obtain citizenship income for a total of 74 thousand euros and unemployment benefits for a total of 75 thousand euros. The employees did not declare the part of their salary received illegally in the relevant applications, thus obtaining social benefits that were not due.

The criminal responsibility of the accused will be ascertained only at the end of the trial with an irrevocable sentence, based on the presumption of innocence provided for by art. 27 of the Constitution.

This service activity demonstrates the constant commitment of the Fiamme Gialle in safeguarding the economic-financial security of the Verona area, guaranteeing the correct use of the forms of social assistance provided for by our system and protecting the rights of honest workers and entrepreneurs.

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