the town takes up a collection and repays the damages

While they were visiting the most beautiful places around Miane (Treviso), someone during the day has destroyed theirs camp. When they returned, in the green area next to the multipurpose centre, they found themselves faced with a disheartening scene: the curtains they had been uprootedi mattresses with holes and the and of their bicycles cut. A bitter surprise for a group of German guys belonging to a Protestant parish who are spending a few days in the Marche. A gesture that could have forever ruined the memory of vacation but which instead triggered a race of solidarity. No sooner said than done, as soon as the news spread, the Miane Pro Loco organized a meeting dinner in the village and started one collection to repay the damages. «The community has decided to act to repay these kids, not so much for the economic damage, but rather for the moral damage that they have suffered” explains the president of the Pro Loco Anna Iseppon.

The holiday

The incident dates back to Friday afternoon, in via Cal di Mezzo, where since Monday there had been camped the group, made up of two escorts thirty year olds and 40 teenagers, all from a Protestant parish near Bremen. To bring them from Germania in the village, a man from Mianese who lived in their city for many years and who maintained contact with the parish priest.
The boys, arrived with a pullman on which they also loaded their bicycles, they pitched their tents in the green area next to the Municipal Multipurpose Centre. They were supposed to leave on Thursday but the bad weather prevented them from visiting all the places they had planned. So they postponed their departure by a few days.

The Vandals’ Incursion

On Friday afternoon, taking advantage of the good weather, they visited the lakes of returns and the surroundings. On the way back, however, the bad surprise. Someone had targeted the camp: some tents were blown up picketsothers have been chop up, the mattresses used for sleeping with holes and the tires of bicycles with punctures. The vandals, probably gods local bulliesthey also unplugged the refrigerators. All this in the afternoon, with the risk of being discovered, in an area also frequented for the annual «Fractions Tournament» underway these days. The kids were incredulous and so was the community of Miane. Not only that, late on Friday evening someone, perhaps the same vandals from the afternoon, also fired shots firecrackers near the tents. A further insult to the group on holiday.

The country’s solidarity and apologies

It was removed due to vandalism complaint and the suspicion is that those responsible are a group of young people who have allegedly committed other similar incidents in the town. Bulli who would find their fulfillment in creating problems and damaging other people’s things. A situation that could have made him run away German tourists who instead immediately felt enveloped by the affection of the community. A race of solidarity was launched towards them: the local Civil Protection made available some brandine for those who had a punctured mattress, a citizen brought the boys inner tubes and tires to repair bicycles. «Many of us went to visit the boys for to apologize for what happened on behalf of the country – concludes the president -. This completely gratuitous vandalism has done more harm to us than to the children.” Precisely from this the idea of ​​dinner was born. «I have received calls from others associations of the town and we asked ourselves what to do to make these kids understand that Miane is made up of hospitable people and not vandals, and the idea of ​​offering dinner to them and raising funds to repay the damages was born.”

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