Turin towards climate neutrality: the role of CER and AUC

Turin towards climate neutrality: the role of CER and AUC
Turin towards climate neutrality: the role of CER and AUC

The event will be dedicated to the study of issues related to the path towards climate neutralityundertaken by City of Turinwith particular attention to the role that can be assumed by Renewable Energy Community hey Local self-consumption groups. The importance of these configurations for the achievement of the future climate neutrality of the City of Turin is evident and the benefits go far beyond the energy dimension: in fact, each community is called to respond to territorial and community needs, representing forms of local development, new entrepreneurship and construction of new supply chains.

The speakers’ interventions will be aimed at exploring the main issues related to the current regulation of CER and Self-Consumption Groups, at a national and local level, presenting the actions that the City of Turin intends to implement to support the diffusion of these configurations.

In the second part of the morning, the creations will be made Working groups aimed at all subjects interested in establishing (or entering into) a self-consumption configurationin order to gather needs, opinions, questions and requests, towards the creation of a service that arises from co-design with the protagonists of the ongoing energy transition.

How to participate

The event will take place Wednesday, July 3, 2024from 09:00 to 12:30, at the Environment Park Congress Centre, in via Livorno 58 in Turin.

Participation, in person or via streaming, is free, subject to prior notice Registration on Eventbrite.

Participation in the Working Groups is only possible for those who will participate in person. When registering, it is necessary to select tickets for the plenary session and for the Working Groups before proceeding with the choice of the Group you wish to participate in. “Advanced operational group” means a Working Group dedicated to those who – having already started a project to establish a CER or AUC or having already studied the issues in depth – require further technical, legal and operational insights.


Ore 09:00 | Reception and registration

Ore 09:15 | Introductory greetings

  • Giacomo Portas, Presidente Environment Park
  • Clear LeafletCouncilor for Ecological and Digital Transition, Environmental Policies, Innovation, Cemetery Services, Transport Plan, Parking and Roads – City of Turin

Ore 09:25 | General overview

  • Turin among the “100 Net-Zero Cities 2030”. The City’s path towards climate neutrality – Intervention by Mirella IaconoDepartment of Environment and Ecological Transition, Environmental Quality Division, Municipality of Turin

Ore 09:35 | Thematic insights

  • Moderator: Fabrizio BarbieroDepartment of European Funds and PNRR, Innovation and European Funds Division, Municipality of Turin.
  • Self-consumption configurations for sharing renewable energy. Where are we at? – Intervention by Alessia CircleDepartment of Environment and Ecological Transition, Environmental Quality Division, Municipality of Turin
  • Renewable Energy Self-Consumer Groups, an Opportunity for Condominiums Intervention by Stephen LearnedEnvironment Park
  • Economic and fiscal aspects for the sustainability of public CERs. The Court of Auditors’ controls – Intervention by Laura AlesianiCourt of Auditors
  • The role of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo in the development of CERs with social impact. From Synergies to Shared Synergies – Intervention by Alberto AnfossiCompagnia di San Paolo Foundation
  • The City Desk in support of CER and Self-Consumption Groups: an innovative tool to develop new local configurations – Intervention by Gaetano NoahDepartment of Environment and Ecological Transition, Environmental Quality Division, Municipality of Turin

Ore 10:35 | Coffee break

Ore 10:50 | Thematic working tables

Ore 12:15 | Presentation of the results of the group work

Ore 12:45 | Conclusions

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