“we communicate the resignations from party positions” • Front Page

“we communicate the resignations from party positions” • Front Page
“we communicate the resignations from party positions” • Front Page


We receive and publish the following note sent by Giuseppe Petralia and Giulio Vultaggio. Here is what it reads:

The recent municipal elections in Mazara del Vallo decreed the victory of the outgoing Mayor’s coalition, which concluded the process of forming the new municipal council.

Our youth group, linked to Fratelli d’Italia and Gioventù Nazionale, had openly taken sides against the previous administration, having been in opposition together with the main party for five years now.

With the candidacy of the club president Giulio Vultaggio in the “Pride and Future” list for the city council, in support of the Hon. Nicolò Cristaldi, we have given continuity to our political line in opposition to the outgoing administration, convinced that we embody the true ideals of the party. We distanced ourselves from the choices that we considered inconsistent and opportunistic of the new provincial leaders who decided to side with Mayor Quinci’s coalition made up of leaders of Action, Italia Viva, Sinistra Italiana and Libertà of Cateno De Luca, despite being in opposition to the regional government led by the center right.

Our choice, although courageous and ideally coherent, had significant consequences, since it was opposed by the official leadership of the party. But in the face of these headwinds, the result obtained by Giulio Vultaggio, with 173 preferential votes, represents an authentic free consensus, guided by the youth eager to engage in politics with passion and autonomy.

There was no lack of honor, which characterized our candidate for the city council and our mayor.

Given the electoral evolution, given our desire to continue with a coherent political line, our youth group dissociates itself from the National Youth movement of Brothers of Italy.

We firmly condemn any racist, anti-Semitic, fascist and Nazi sentiment expressed by some leaders of National Youth, which we firmly deny, as they are far from our morals. This situation has strongly shocked and surprised us as we are young right-wingers who love freedom, respect for life and the environment, peaceful coexistence and respect for institutions, anti-mafia and justice. We are patriots and goliars with a liberal and also reformist vision, demonstrating this with the policy implemented by us in these 5 years in the name of National Youth.

With the following we also communicate the resignation from party positions, and at the same time we wish good work to the new councilor Dr. Giacomo Paolo Caruso, who will surely succeed in carrying the tricolor flame high within the Quinci bis administration.

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