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Falls for meters into a gully: mountaineer Daniele Terzi dies

Falls for meters into a gully: mountaineer Daniele Terzi dies
Falls for meters into a gully: mountaineer Daniele Terzi dies

Gualtieri (Reggio Emilia), 1 July 2024 – It crashes in a gully on Adamello: this is how he lost his life Daniel Third59 years old. He was with a group of friends when the accident occurred, around 10 in the morning. in Sonico territory, in Valcamonica. Terzi, who had left from the Gnutti refuge, reached the head of Val Miller with friends. Once there she decided to continue alone.

The friends took the “Via Terzulli“, an equipped wall with chains that allows you to reach the Adamello pass and then climb to the top. Terzi preferred to take a gully. In an attempt to climb it he would have fallen into the void. It was friends who raised the alarm they didn’t see it coming. The group immediately alerted the emergency services. The men of the Alpine Rescue and the Alpine Rescue of the Guardia di Finanza of Edolo intervened. It took four hours to find the mountaineer’s body because the exact point where Terzi fell was not known. He has been found not far from the Adamello pass. It will now be up to the Alpine Rescue of the Guardia di Finanza of Edolo to reconstruct the exact dynamics and try to understand what may have happened.

The world of Italian mountaineering is in mourning. Terzi, born in 1965, expert hiker originally from Gualtieri and resident of Viadana, member of the Italian Alpine Club of Bozzolo, was an expert hiker. Together with a couple of companions he would try to carry it out a small variation to that ascent using a snow-covered canal but, for reasons still being ascertained, would have slippedfalling several dozen meters. His friends never saw him again and raised the alarm.

The call to 118 was at 10.30. The helicopter flew over the area for hours and only around 3 pm was the body found spotted amidst rocks and ice, on which a waterfall fell. Daniele leaves behind his wife Stefania, a son and a daughter. He worked at Seletti in Cicognara, a company known for its production of innovative design objects, household items, decorative accessories and was considered an expert mountaineer. A very well-known man, very sporty. He deeply mourns the world of mountaineering.

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