Storms and Hail imminent, let’s see the affected Regions shortly

Storms and Hail imminent, let’s see the affected Regions shortly
Storms and Hail imminent, let’s see the affected Regions shortly

Thunderstorms and hailstorms to hit many regions in the next few hours

The weather will worsen in the next few hours in many regions of the country where we expect the arrival of rain, thunderstorms and local hailstorms.

The reason is to be found in the transit of a storm front fed by cooler air masses originating from a vast cyclonic vortex located in the North of our continent. This front of instability will be destined to cross our entire country, from North and South, also accompanying a general drop in temperatures.

But let’s proceed in order and see which sectors will be the ones where the weather will be the most capricious.
Let’s start from Nord where the atmospheric picture will be marked by a threatening sky since the morning, with conditions of marked instability since the first light of dawn. The most intense phenomena will be concentrated in the central-eastern sectors, while in the West a glimmer of improvement will already be seen during the morning. As the hours pass, the weather will undergo a further worsening with frequent showers, even thunderstorms, which may locally be accompanied by local hailstorms and intense gusts of wind, especially between Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and much of the Triveneto area.
Only between late afternoon and evening will the first signs of improvement be noticed.

Moving towards the centerthe situation will not be much different. Atmospheric stability will give way to storm front arriving, bringing alternating clouds and clearings during the morning.
It will be after midday that the instability will show its most threatening face: starting from Tuscany, the storms will gradually extend to all the central regions. Only the Tyrrhenian coasts will enjoy some moments of respite with temporary clearings.

The South, initially spared, will see the weather worsen in the afternoon. After a morning characterized by sunshine and the absence of precipitation, in fact, the second part of the day will bring rains e temporal over most of the peninsular regions, while we will continue to have a more stable weather context over Sicily.

Precipitation forecast for Wednesday 3 July 2024
Based on available forecasts, the Department of Civil Protection in agreement with the regions involved, which are responsible for activating the civil protection systems in the territories concerned, has issued a warning of adverse weather conditions. The weather phenomena, impacting the various areas of the country, could determine some hydrogeological and hydraulic criticalities which are reported, in a national summary, in the national criticality and alert bulletin which can be consulted on the website of Department (

For this reason it was evaluated for the day of Wednesday 3 July, yellow alert in Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Umbria, most of Veneto and parts of Lombardy, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata and Calabria.

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