“More agents, good. But Fano needs reinforcements”

“More agents, good. But Fano needs reinforcements”
“More agents, good. But Fano needs reinforcements”

“Good news for the Pesaro Police Headquarters, where 10 more units will be assigned to the staff starting this July, but several priority issues related to security in our provincial territory remain pending”. This is what regional councilor Micaela Vitri declared the day after the news of the expansion of the number of police personnel. “The latest National Plan for the reorganization of Police stations – Vitri specifies – provides for the Fano Police Station only 44 operators, of which 23 in the role of assistant officers, 10 Superintendents, 10 Inspectors and one in the role of Manager. In reality, compared to the 43 employees of the ordinary role provided for by the organizational chart (absolutely inadequate), currently only 37 police officers are in service. It is clear that the organizational chart is completely insufficient to deal with a populous area like Fano and with numerous profiles of particular fragility. The current provision urgently needs to be significantly implemented because, to date, it is impossible to continuously guarantee the presence of a patrol car in all time quadrants and this means that absences must be filled, with evident difficulty, by the Carabinieri, sometimes even resorting to patrols from neighboring territories. So I immediately presented a motion to the regional council, which unfortunately is still blocked. I have made a commitment to which I want and must give answers. A year ago, on July 8, I was invited to Fano to the sit-in organized by the police unions in front of the police station. With me were both the honorable Antonio Baldelli and the unionist Marco Lanzi. We listened to the legitimate reasons and concerns of the officers”.

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