“The issue of security must be addressed with rationality and responsibility”

“The issue of security must be addressed with rationality and responsibility”
“The issue of security must be addressed with rationality and responsibility”

“What happened pushes us to reflect on the delicate balance between the need for security and the generalization of tools, often for political propaganda purposes, to obtain it”. This is how the note from the Democratic Party council group begins after the plea bargain in court of the 37-year-old from Grosseto. The man had said he had been hit by a Senegalese in the center of Grosseto exactly a year ago. The carabinieri, after seeing the images from the cameras, unmasked him. “The case involving the martial arts teacher and the accusation of false testimony underlines how crucial it is to address the issue of security with rationality and a sense of responsibility, without falling into excesses that risk exacerbating fears and social tensions – say the Pd councilors -. Security policies are a fundamental value for our community, as for all the others, but they must never become a political tool to emphasize fears. The episode demonstrates how a valid initiative, such as Neighborhood Watch, can become counterproductive if used improperly. It is essential to remember that the fight against social degradation and the defense of values ​​​​passes through a choral and incisive action by an entire community respectful of the laws, just as security is guaranteed to us first and foremost by the incessant work of the police. The exaltation and dramatization of the inherent problems, instead, only fuel a climate of fear and mistrust that benefits no one. We are also convinced that every violation of the law must be punished with rigor but with equal firmness reiterates that it is important not to exalt the spirits in such a delicate social moment”. The Democratic Party closes: “We are all called to collaborate to build a safer community, but this must happen through dialogue, transparency and respect for the law”.

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