«Break his head… let’s make two attempted murders in two months»

“Break his head… in a couple of months we’ll make two attempts, not one… two.” It’s the January 9, 2024 and the men of the flying squad, coordinated by the prosecutor Paolo Scafithey placed a bug on one of the cars in use at Alessio and Federico Tassoneboth 23 years old: the twins are suspected of having took part in the punitive expedition against a 47-year-old Nigerianfound seriously wounded by stab wounds in via Sospello. The brothers have recently discovered that they are being investigated for attempted murder and that morning they talk about the lawyer’s fee. Then the conversation shifts to a story involving another black man. And it is at that moment that Federico comments: «Break his head open… in the space of a couple of months we will make two attempts, not one… two».

For the gip Irene Gallesio — who signed the pre-trial detention order for the twins, for the father Sandro Tassone (nicknamed the “uncle”) and a family friend — that phrase represents “further confirmation of the accusatory hypothesis”.

In 38 pages, the investigating judge reconstructs the ambush of the Nigerian, which took place on November 14, 2023 in Strada Settimo and a few dozen meters from a club. In particular, the words of the super witness, a friend of the “uncle” and the victim, are highlighted. On the day of the punitive expedition, the man had acted as an intermediary between the two: the Nigerian – according to the investigators’ hypothesis – had a debt with Tassone for alleged drug deals. It was the witness who accompanied the victim to Strada Settimo, unaware of what would happen. And he was the first to help his Nigerian friend, taking him to via Sospello (where the Nigerian lives) and then call 118.

Interviewed by the investigators that same evening, the man outlined some passages of the day, without however pointing the finger at Sandro Tassone and his sons. Then he fled Turin for fear of retaliation. Over time, however, he developed the decision to reveal everything he had seen. The investigating judge describes him as a “deeply frightened” and “resentful” person, because his “uncle” had organized the trap regardless of the fact that he would also be there at the appointment. “In the end – we read – the sense of betrayal and (in)justice of which he feels like a victim have the upper hand and he finally speaks and tells”.

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