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Team and node “Iacovone” stadium. Today at 6pm Taranto will reveal their plans

Team and node “Iacovone” stadium. Today at 6pm Taranto will reveal their plans
Team and node “Iacovone” stadium. Today at 6pm Taranto will reveal their plans

TARANTO It’s Taranto-day. This afternoon (6 pm), in the conference room of Antenna Sud – still the club’s main sponsor through the Editoriale Distante group – a joint press conference with Massimo Giove and Ezio Capuano on display. Also present were the vice president Enzo Sapia and the new head of the youth sector Pietro Armenise. Present and future on the table, but probably also some dynamics of the recent past. A question hovers among the fans: what will be the topics that the owner and coach – with a spirit of renewed (or perhaps rediscovered) synergy – will address? Planning is the key theme around which the conference will revolve: Taranto, in the 2023/24 season, managed to achieve fifth place which, on the green rectangle, is to be understood as second. A result well beyond any rosiest expectations, certainly equalable or even improved with investments that do not involve crazy expenses, but at least significant ones. Hence the need to “throw ourselves” above all on ideas: Capuano has already been working for a few weeks, even if this is to be understood as being under the radar..

The project itself, however, clashes with the stadium issue: planning with ambition without a stable structural base will not be impossible, but not so simple either. Castel di Sangro, although not desirable, is an option that remains on the table until the fate of the Iacovone is officially clarified. The club says it is confident that Taranto will play in its home even during the restyling works, taking as a guarantee the words of Minister Abodi, the latter, recently, preached calm and caution, speaking of hope, rather than certainty. The risk that the visions do not coincide is high. In the meantime, the summer transfer market session has started today and with it, several Taranto players from last year are no longer part of the group because their contracts are expiring or because – on a temporary basis – they have returned to their respective clubs. Texcellent farewells, above all those of the goalkeeper, as well as the captain, Vannucchi, of the leader of the Luciani rearguard and one of the most versatile profiles in midfield, Zonta, back at Vicenza (and which the Venetian club could also decide to retain).

He won’t continue with Taranto either Andrea Lolivaaccording to the various goalkeepers who have succeeded one another in defense of the Ionian posts. The goalkeeper born in ’00 himself announced it with a long message on social media: «They have been three different years, intense, but tremendously beautiful. It certainly didn’t go the way I wanted, I would be lying if I said otherwise, but despite the fact that I have found little space, the love I feel for these colors has grown day after day. I have felt incredible emotions that I have never felt in my life. Together we have won and we have lost, we have rejoiced and we have cried. I thank all my teammates, Mister Capuano and his staff and all the fans who have made these three years the best of my football life. Now our paths are dividing, unfortunately there were no longer the conditions to continue together…”. Miceli, one of Capuano’s “protégés”, will continue to serve on the shores of the Ionian Sea (to understand the formula: whether he is still on loan from Turris or on a permanent basis) and in all likelihood also Orlando, esteemed by the club and the coach. However, the situations of those profiles under contract until 2025 and, in the case of Mastromonaco, 2026, are currently being evaluated.



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