Valerio Lundini shocks everyone: “Sanremo? I prefer the weather”

Valerio Lundini shocks everyone: “Sanremo? I prefer the weather”
Valerio Lundini shocks everyone: “Sanremo? I prefer the weather”

Valerio Lundini he is a musician, designer, writer, showman, TV and radio author. A messy and brilliant mind that ranges from one genre to another. Today he returns to his origins. The host of A piece of London launches a new album entitled Innamorati della vita together with the historic band i Vazzanikki. And he has already left for a live tour that began on June 27th in Naples and will end in Codroipo (Udine) on September 14th.

Do you enjoy TV or the stage more?
“They are two different entertainments: this is more collective. I’ve been making music for almost fifteen years, my bandmates are people I grew up with, now we simply bring our madness to bigger places. Live shows give more immediate results. You do TV one day and then maybe it’s on the air a week later.”

Read also: Concertone, Valerio Lundini brings down the chill: “Putin is on the phone”

Your press release reads: «The band’s hope is that, thanks to Valerio Lundini’s fame, the album can be heard and appreciated at the highest levels».
“We’re joking, we have no ambitions. We’ve always played for friends or at most for friends of friends, we don’t dream of arenas. Concerts are fun, we focus more on those than on the recorded album.”

But if you had a strong piece, would you propose it to Carlo Conti for Sanremo?
“If Conti called us, we would write a crazy piece, otherwise I won’t start writing it with the risk that he will say no. I need the anxiety of the deadline!”

But couldn’t it be that the band was better off when she was unknown?
“A little bit, yes. We played everywhere, even in deplorable places. We could have done anything, also because there were no social media, bad things could be more easily forgotten. Now there is the risk of making a fool of yourself. I feel more responsible.”

Is the name Vazzanikki a tribute to Iva Zanicchi?
“It’s more of a cheap pun that no one can pronounce. Greg, Lillo and Greg, gave us the idea. We’ve never changed our name, so maybe it’s time to reconsider.”

The lead single, Parabola Ascendente, is billed as “a masterpiece in which two crazy individuals discuss which is preferable between theology and astrology.” What did you drink?
“He was right to specify that we call it a “masterpiece”. The idea for the song comes from the observation that many people, who profess to be non-believers, atheists, agnostics, believe in the zodiac. So let’s have a debate about who is better: Jesus or the horoscope?”

They compare you, in terms of your comic-surreal-demented style, to Cochi and Renato, Jannacci, the Skiantos, the Squallor, up to Elio e le Storie Tese.
«Each of these artists is very much in their own style. You can’t “imitate” them. It’s easier to make a piece like Battisti than a piece like Squallor. We’ve always done what we enjoyed the most, music without taking ourselves too seriously. And we’ll continue with this style».

She studied to be a cartoonist. Why didn’t she continue?
“While we are doing this interview I am drawing. I have not continued my studies because they take too much time and effort and I am too worldly. I am a perfectionist so I live the torment of never being satisfied.”

Is his motto still Blessed are the one-eyed in the land of the caecorum?
«Yes, I like to say it. It sounds very fake modest. (It can be interpreted like this: “With little you can manage to emerge if others are “limited”, ed.).

Will we see her again on TV?
“Yes. I’m writing the new edition of Faccende Complicate, a documentary-style format, the work with the camera is a bit tiring. Una Pezza di Lundini was interrupted so it wouldn’t become routine. But I don’t rule out that sooner or later…”

What do you think of the stampede from Rai to other networks?
“I don’t frequent the corridors of Rai, I’m an outsider. If everyone goes away and I’m the only one left, I’m happy, that way I have more space, I would become president. I would like to host the weather forecast”.

Sanremo, no?
“No, I prefer the weather.”

Read also: Valerio Lundini, cancelled program? “Maybe who was talking about it…”: what’s behind it

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