Camorra, a treasure trove of 5 million in a bunker emerges: «From feuds to business»

Camorra, a treasure trove of 5 million in a bunker emerges: «From feuds to business»
Camorra, a treasure trove of 5 million in a bunker emerges: «From feuds to business»

A ordinary house, of those inhabited by employees or small entrepreneurs, not in a popular area, but in an averagely quiet place.

A two-story house, between Agnano and Pozzuoli (precisely at number 62 of via San Gennaro), an area which has been struggling for months with the aftershocks of bradyseism: it is here that the Camorra had hidden the your own little treasure. This is where the lair was, the bunker, in short the dark soul of a piece of Neapolitan economy. On the floor minus one, behind the bathroom wall, the police broke through a wall and discovered the existence of a cavity.

It was a skinny carabinieri who entered first, entering a world apart: there were furniture and furnishings, entire refrigerators with vacuum-packed banknotes; 48 watches, even ten-carat jewels. It is the Camorra’s treasure troveside of the Secondigliano Alliance. Blitz two days ago, assets worth 9 million euros come to light (four million euros, one million and more in valuables, but the appraisal of the assets is still in progress). They are attributable to Luca Esposito, the son-in-law of the boss Patrizio Bosti, who in turn was arrested two days ago with a blitz that has effectively blocked – at least for the moment – the return home of the head of the Neapolitan Camorra. The investigation was conducted by the Naples Public Prosecutor’s Office coordinated by Nicola Gratteri, with the joint work of the Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, police and Carabinieri Cacciatori of Calabria being decisive. A knockout blow, the one scored in Agnan, because it gives a push to the expansion strategy of the Secondigliano Alliance: on the one hand the arrests signed by the investigating judge Antonino Santoro di Bosti (historical alter ego of Eduardo Contini, ally of the other leaders of the Secondigliano dome), but also of his children Ettore and Flora Bosti, as well as his son-in-law Luca Esposito; on the other hand the seizure of assets, which does not arise by chance. But from the scrutiny of some phrases captured in the last two years by Luca Esposito himself.

The wiretaps

There is one sentence in particular that alerted the investigators. Year 2022, Luca Esposito does not know that there is a bug in his Mercedes. He is trying to leave Italy, together with his wife Maria Bosti, to move to Dubai, where he wants to manage a Rolex business. And he lets himself go with a reasoning: “Sooner or later they have to sell, because they are running out of money”. A few intercepted words, there is enough to understand that somewhere in the world there are goods of illicit origin. The hunt begins, which ends two days ago in via Saint Gennarothanks to sophisticated equipment that overcomes the iron plates used as a screen. The representatives of the police force expressed unanimous satisfaction at the press conference: “It was the Epiphany of all the interceptions listened to so far”, said Colonel Andrea Leo, commander of the operational department of the Carabinieri of Naples. The head of the Mobile Giovanni Leuci reflects on the ability of a boss of the calibre of Patrizio (but also of his son Ettore) to dictate the law despite the 41 bis, while it is up to the commander of the economic and financial police unit of the Finance Paolo Consiglio reveal the mechanisms of money laundering. In short, Luke Esposito he defined himself as a sort of “golden goose” for the Secondigliano Camorra itself, capable of “always kneading new people”. Strictly fictitious shell companies to evade taxes, sale of Rolexes, in some cases scams to the detriment of buyers all over the world. Like a Chinese man who spent 330 thousand euros to buy a Rolex from a company traced back to Luca Esposito, only to then receive a package with packets of pasta. But who is the “golden goose” of the Camorra? And how did he manage to accumulate such a fortune? He married Maria Bosti, one of the daughters of the boss known as ‘o Patrizio, at a very young age. A wedding in which Esposito’s father-in-law has often made his authority felt, his weight, in every sense. The fact is that two years ago, Luca Esposito was arrested at Fiumicino airport and, faced with protests from the Search (investigation by prosecutors Alessandra Converso and Ida Teresi), decides to collapse. He repents, confesses. And accuses. Then there is a sudden change of scene. A retraction that cost the new arrest warrant of Patrick Bostiat the end of a story that smacks of Greek tragedy. In short, Bosti would have forced Esposito to recant.


Aggravated threats. Pure violence, according to the conclusions of investigating judge Santoro. He would have summoned Esposito’s children (Marco Botta is under investigation here) to begin his revenge: “Tell your father that if he does not recant the accusations, we will kill him. You will find him hanged”. And it is always in this strategy, that threats also arrive against the children of the aspiring repentant: the grandfather threatened to take revenge on his grandchildren. And that’s not all. Always in this strategy, letters of Patrick Bosti to the son-in-law, which are obviously scrutinised by the investigators of the Dda of Naples. Soft tones, decidedly affectionate and understanding towards the son-in-law who aspired to go over to the side of the State: words with a paternal tone, typical of someone who “understood the difficulties of the moment dictated by the arrests”. Threats and velvety words, the noose in the cell, but also the risk of harming his grandchildren, all in a few days. This is how the “goose that laid the golden eggs” decided to keep quiet. And it is from this moment that the investigations began, culminating in arrests and seizures.

Five days

There is another backstory to this story. We are in 2020, when Patrizio Bosti (defended by the lawyer Mauro Valentino) is released from prison due to the expiration of the terms. He returns home, remains free for five days, before the judges’ calculations allow for the new arrest. In those five days, Bosti would have re-consolidated the reins of the Camorra, the one – to be clear – that opposes the Mazzarella. And that launders the proceeds of drugs, racketeering and loan sharking in a thousand ways: in food (restaurants have been seized in Rome), in the carabinieri, in jewelry and in other apparently clean activities.

A criminal power that goes hand in hand with parts of the bourgeoisie and that takes advantage of the skills of unsuspected people. It is the managerial Camorra, something different from the one that is bloodying the alleys of the city in recent days. Yesterday the prefect of Naples Michele di Bari has called a committee for public order, for a “stesa” in the Montecalvario area, which follows the attack in the Banchi Nuovi area (a pizza chef seriously injured), a bomb and a stesa in the Duomo area. Blood and business, fear and business, in a scenario in which hard prison is not enough to break the plots of the Secondigliano Alliance.


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