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without a manager the beach is now prey to vandals

without a manager the beach is now prey to vandals
without a manager the beach is now prey to vandals

Pending resolution of the issue of management of Cala Materdomini the structure of the bar is abandoned to itself in total neglect.

Between abandonment and vandalism

The room with the electrical panel adjacent to the bathrooms has had the door open for days and was damagedin addition to having been transformed into a small landfill. Yet the public beach equipped when it was inaugurated, in August 2021, was equipped with an important video surveillance system which was supposed to guarantee safety and immediate intervention in the event of raids vandals. On the one hand, the difficulty arose with the dealer he went to contract revokedbefore its expiration, since was not up to date with the payment of the fee and the Tari, on the other hand many argue that it is not justifiable to leave the structure abandoned.

The decline of the first equipped public beach

The redevelopment of that stretch of coast was possible thanks to public funding and many point out that custody should be guaranteed in order not to cause damage to the asset and have a need for further investments of money in the near future to restart the business. In the electrical panel compartment there is waste, plastic cups and some cables have been torn. It’s really a sad picture that testifies to the decline of a public good returned to the community just 3 years ago. The concessionaire who had won the tender for the management, should have guaranteed also for this summer season the beach services: cleanliness and decor, bar, showers, bathrooms and in the first two years the commitment of renting water sports equipment with relative launch corridor had also been respected. Also present was the walkway to allow accessibility to people in wheelchairs and a wheelchair was available for customers to enter the water. None of these services are any longer present and yet citizens and tourists continue to enjoy the beach, as it is the first on the coast and has a large free car park. As well as being reachable via public transport.

The sea remains but without services

The project ambitious and experimental which combined the services of a private lido with free public access, is currently just a memory. Bathers complain about the lack of services and are nostalgic for past seasons, as if a Toasts good practices born in a public dimension had no future. While waiting for the assignment of Cala Materdomini to a new managerthe municipal administration has therefore committed itself to scrolling of the old ranking as foreseen in the original announcement, the emptying of the bins and trolleys by the Teorema company was arranged. Positive note: the beach it is no longer infested with waste as happened in the first warm days of May.


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