Pharmacy testing of services in Lombardy, the distribution of resources to the Ats

Pharmacy testing of services in Lombardy, the distribution of resources to the Ats
Pharmacy testing of services in Lombardy, the distribution of resources to the Ats

The General Directorate for Pharmaceutical Welfare and Medical Devices of the Lombardy Region, on 24 June 2024, issued a note with the subject “Service pharmacy – Telemedicine – first indications”, signed by the manager Ida Fortino. In the document, which follows regional resolution no. 2405 of 28 May 2024, we read that the text «must be approved at the level of the Conference of the Regions and then validated by the Cipess». Therefore “the amount assigned for the 2024 activities referred to in the trial is equal to 4,741,793 euros, and includes the colorectal screening activity, telemedicine, the choice and revocation service and pharmacological reconciliation”.

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“Pharmacy Services Experimentation” Fund: allocation for 2024

As indicated in the document, therefore, the total amount allocated for the experimental activities in 2024 amounts to 4,741,793 euros. As for the distribution of the sums, the Lombardy Region has provided a table with the maximum amounts allocated to the ATS for the year 2024, to allow monitoring of the activities carried out. The ATS of the metropolitan city of Milan (030321) has the highest number of pharmacies (1008), equal to 33% of the total, and the highest allocation of funds (1,570,213 euros), followed by the ATS of Insubria (030322) with 413 pharmacies, 13.57% of the total, and an allocation of 643,351 euros. The other ATS, namely ATS della Montagna (030323), ATS della Brianza (030324), ATS di Bergamo (030325), ATS di Brescia (030326), ATS della Val Padana (030327) and ATS di Pavia (030328), have a number of pharmacies ranging from 122 to 346, and allocations of funds from 190,046 to 538,982 euros. Please refer to the following table for a summary of the maximum amounts allocated.

Ats N.farcie % pharmacy Fund allocated 2024
Ats of the metropolitan city of Milan (030321) 1008 33,11% 1.570.213 €
Ats of Insubria (030322) 413 13,57% 643.351 €
Ats of the Mountain (030323) 122 4,01% 190.046 €
Ats of Brianza (030324) 335 11,01% 521.846 €
Ats of Bergamo (030325) 334 10,97% 520.289 €
Ats of Brescia (030326) 346 11,37% 538.982 €
ATS of the Po Valley (030327) 280 9,20% 436.170 €
Ats in Pavia (030328) 206 6,77% 320.897 €
Total 3.044 100% 4.741.793 €

Participating pharmacies and communication with ATS and citizens

In the same note, the Lombardy Region specified that «while waiting for the portal to be made accessible to the Ats, please note that the participating pharmacies send their membership to the Ats, so that the Ats themselves can have the updated list.” Furthermore, “considering that citizens today do not know the list of participating pharmacies, pharmacies are asked to display a sign stating whether or not they are adhering to the RL agreement and which of the three services are paid for by the SSR”.

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