Fontanone Duecento Anni. Two events in view of the conclusion of the exhibition

Fontanone Duecento Anni. Two events in view of the conclusion of the exhibition
Fontanone Duecento Anni. Two events in view of the conclusion of the exhibition

The exhibition “Fontanone Duecento Anni”, curated by Gianmarco Magnani and Veronica Bassani, continues with great participation at the Fontanone in Faenza. “The exhibition, which celebrates the two centuries of history of the Fontanone, has fascinated adults and children, offering a journey through the historical and architectural evolution of this iconic monument – ​​explain Fatti d’Arte – . In addition to the inauguration, in fact, a creative workshop was also held at the Fontanone where adults and children built a model of the Fontanone in collaboration with Architetti a Faenza APS, with the graphic design by Paolo Rava and the relief by Mauro Benericetti. Finally, a fascinating conference, “The 200 years of the Perspective of the Public Passage. The Fontanone in Faenza”, with professor Pietro Lenzini and Mauro Benericetti, moderated by Stefano Drei, revealed the secrets and history of this iconic monument, taking us on an unforgettable journey through time”.

In view of the conclusion of the exhibition, two unmissable openings are scheduled: Tuesday 2 July at 8:30 pm: “From Molinella to Fontanone. A story about the uses of water in the city”. “This extraordinary visit, organized in collaboration with Pro Loco Faenza APS, is part of the “summer Tuesdays” and will offer a fascinating insight into the uses and importance of water in the urban history of Faenza. A unique opportunity to discover anecdotes and curiosities related to this vital element throughout the centuries” explain Fatti d’Arte.

Thursday 4 July from 18:30: Finissage in collaboration with Fototeca Manfrediana. “The final event of the exhibition will feature the Fototeca Open Air special edition 200 years, an open-air celebration that will unite art, photography and history in a convivial and engaging atmosphere: a special way to say goodbye to this extraordinary exhibition” conclude the association.

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