Calabria first region in Italy for undeclared work and gangmastering

Calabria first region in Italy for undeclared work and gangmastering
Calabria first region in Italy for undeclared work and gangmastering

And the Calabria with 19.6 percent of illegal workers in relation to the total employed and compared to the national average figure which is 11.3%, the region where the highest presence of irregular employment in Italy is recorded (117,400 units) in the south.

A podium, in negative, shared with Campania, second, which reaches 16.5 percent and Sicily, third, with 16 percent.

This is what an analysis conducted byMestre CGIA research office based on 2021 data.

The analysis indicates that the annual turnover attributable to irregular work in the country is approximately 68 billion euros, of which 23.7 billion in the South, 17.3 in the Northwest, 14.5 in the Centre and 12.4 in the Northeast. In Calabria we talk about 2.5 billion euros.

If we measure the percentage impact of this amount on the total regional added value, the highest share, equal to 8.3 percent, still concerns Calabria, followed by Campania with 6.9 percent and Sicily with 6 .6 percent. The national average is 4.2 percent.

However, the CGIA analysis reports that the phenomenon also extends to the Centre-North and has a record presence especially in the sector of services to people (domestic workers, carers). The tasso Of irregularities of this sector reaches 42.6%. In second place are agricultural works (16.8%), in third place are constructions with 13.3%.

The analysis also focuses on the phenomenon of exploitation he was born in gangmaster which concerns the more fragile social categories such as people in extreme poverty, immigrants and women. Among the realities with the greatest incidence of the phenomenon we mention Gioia Tauro plain together with the Agro Pontino, the Nocerino-Sarnese, Villa Literno and the Capitanata di Foggia.

Source: Ansa Calabria


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