The fourth stage of the Giro d’Italia women starts from Imola

The fourth stage of the Giro d’Italia women starts from Imola
The fourth stage of the Giro d’Italia women starts from Imola

On Wednesday 10 July, at 10:25 am, the fourth stage of the Giro d’Italia Women, the Imola-Urbino, of 134 kilometres, will start from Piazza Matteotti. From 9:00 am, again in the square, there will be the presentation of the teams in the race and the athletes, in addition to other activities present and which will be communicated in the coming years. Imola thus writes another important page in cycling, after the success of the Tour de Rance passage, last Sunday 30 June.

The route in the city – The athletes will start from Piazza Matteotti to enter Via Emilia, turn under the Town Hall clock, take Via Mazzini and reach the entrance to the racetrack, after having traveled the entire length of Viale Dante. Once they enter the racetrack, the athletes will travel the track in an anti-clockwise direction (the same one followed by motor racing), to pass the Rivazza curve and exit the track at the height of the office building, at the start of the pits, go along paddock 2 and exit the racetrack on Via dei Colli, then take Via Emilia on the right, towards Castel Bolognese. Fans will be able to follow the start phases directly, in Piazza Matteotti, as well as positioning themselves along the entire route.

On the occasion of the Giro d’Italia Women, on July 10, several collateral initiatives will be organized which will be announced in the coming days.

Giro d’Italia Women supports Scarpetta Rossa, against violence against women – The Municipality of Imola has joined the initiative of the association Scarpetta Rossa Aps and Giro d’Italia Women that identifies benches painted red and pink as the symbol against violence against women. In this regard, this afternoon the Red and Pink Bench of the City of Imola was inaugurated, located along the Santerno Cycle Route, in via Graziadei next to the Viale Dante Bridge. A plaque has been placed on the bench showing the logos of the promoters and the numbers of the two anti-violence centers of Imola, Trame di Terre and PerLeDonne ODV as well as 1522, so that the bench, in addition to raising awareness, can also be a vehicle of information like the others present in the municipal territory.

The statements

After the Tour de France, another important event, the Giro d’Italia Women, which together with the Emilia-Romagna Region we strongly wanted to bring to the territory with 2 stages starting from Emilia-Romagna – the mayor says Mark Panieri -. An event that also includes a close collaboration with the ICE Agency and in particular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the promotion of our excellence and that is combined with a strong awareness-raising activity to combat violence against women throughout the Peninsula. In our case, there will be the inauguration of this red bench dedicated to the city and for this I thank the Councilors involved, Elisa Spada and Elena Penazzi. We wanted the stage to start from the main square of the city, Piazza Matteotti in the heart of the historic center, and then continue towards the Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari, which is a route increasingly linked to the history of cycling, starting in 1968 with the World Championships won by Vittorio Adorni and continuing with the 2020 Cycling World Championships, the Italian Championships in 2021 and a few days ago with the passage of the Tour de France.”

We have joined this initiative with the aim of continuing to keep attention high on a structural problem such as violence against women by networking with other municipalities that are stages of the Giro d’Italia Women – she underlines Elisa SwordCouncilor for Equal Opportunities and Sustainable Mobility -. The choice of location is significant because it is located along the Santerno Cycle Route, a strategic infrastructure for sustainable tourism in our area and a few steps from the Autodromo. This allows for great visibility for the bench and the message it carries and to be able to convey the numbers of the two anti-violence centers in our area, as well as 1522, so that they are increasingly accessible to all women who suffer violence”.

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