and a violent hailstorm damages agricultural companies in Metapontino

and a violent hailstorm damages agricultural companies in Metapontino
and a violent hailstorm damages agricultural companies in Metapontino

MATERA – A tornado, accompanied by a violent hailstorm, hit vast agricultural areas of Metapontino, in the province of Matera, in the afternoon. The Cia Agricoltori of the Matera-Metapontino area has already collected numerous reports from farmers. In particular, the most affected areas are in the municipalities of Policoro, Nova Siri, Tursi and Rotondella. Significant damage has been recorded for valuable productions of apricots, peaches and vegetables.

“As if the drought were not enough – declared the president of Cia Matera Giuseppe Stasi – there are still changes and adverse weather conditions that hit farmers, nullifying, in a few minutes, sacrifices and work”. The Municipality of Policoro has already requested a state of calamity for today’s exceptional atmospheric events for a “violent, widespread and destructive hailstorm that hit the municipal territory” causing significant damage to “entire hectares of fruit and vegetable plantations”.

The calamitous event manifested itself with “a real water bomb with large hailstones and caused widespread damage to public and private property”. This is the second request for a calamity made by the Municipality of Policoro and, paradoxically, the first concerns drought. “I hope that all the institutions involved do not leave the agricultural world alone at this time – commented the mayor of Policoro Enrico Bianco – a sector that deserves attention and solidarity, already in deep crisis due to the inconvenience caused by wild boars and because of climate change”.

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