Libyan championship, Tuscany snubbed: the change of location

According to what was reported by Florentine Courieril Libyan Championship which was supposed to take place in Tuscany, including Fiorentina’s Viola Park, will change location. This is confirmed by a journalist from the Libyan broadcaster Wasat TV, Morad Dakhil, to their official microphones. Below are his statements.

Dakhil’s statements on the Libyan championship

He did not like the hotels that had been made available to him between Campi Bisenzio, Montecatini Terme and Pisa. Hotels, among other things, where the various clubs would have had to divide up instead of each sharing their own.

The new location of the Libyan championship

The Libyan championship will remain in Italy but will move to Lazio. The Libyan federation is currently looking for the structures and facilities necessary for the smooth running of the Final Six. The tournament, originally scheduled for fifteen matches divided into five days, was supposed to take place in Tuscany, using the facilities of Fiorentina, Pisa and Empoli. With the move to Lazio, the federation hopes to find a more suitable solution to host the event in an optimal manner.

Franchi Stadium (Fiorentina-Sestri Levante)

Libyan Championship, the problems presented by Dakhil

Dakhil expressed dissatisfaction with the hotels offered between Campi Bisenzio, Montecatini Terme and Pisa. According to him, the accommodation facilities were not adequate, as the various clubs would have had to split between different hotels instead of each sharing their own.

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