Tragedy in Meina, how the Valtellina surveyor Carlo Maletta died

Tragedy in Meina, how the Valtellina surveyor Carlo Maletta died
Tragedy in Meina, how the Valtellina surveyor Carlo Maletta died

Sondrio 2 July 2024 – His name was Carlo Maletta and it was a surveyor of Mantello the 56 year old man who lost his life today around midday in a railway construction site in Meina, on the Piedmont shore of Lake Maggiorein the province of Novara. The construction site is located along the route connecting Meina and Arona on the line to Milan which has undergone several works in recent months. According to the reconstruction more reliable than the accident, the man – originally from the Valtellina municipality of Cercino – was hit head-on by a moving machine that came out of the tunnel near which an operation to lower the level of the tracks is taking place, to allow freight trains to pass through the tunnel itself, which crushed him without leaving him any escape.

The rescues

The works were entrusted by Rete ferrovia italiana to a company in Milan, Luigi Notari Spawhich subcontracted this part of the interventions to a group of companies whose main role is Group leader Quadrio Gaetano Costruzioni spa of Morbegno in the province of Sondrio. The rescue was brought by 118 with an ambulance and then with the helicopter rescue. The railway police were on site, the agents of the associated local police of the Municipalities of Vergante with two units and the technicians of the Spresal of the ASL of Novara. “The dynamics of what happened are being examined by the competent authorities to whom we are offering the widest collaboration – declared Rfi through a note -. Our most sincere condolences go to the family of Carlo Maletta”.

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