Savona, sewer pipe failure and sewage leak: bathing banned in a stretch of via Nizza

Savona, sewer pipe failure and sewage leak: bathing banned in a stretch of via Nizza
Savona, sewer pipe failure and sewage leak: bathing banned in a stretch of via Nizza

Savona. Failure of the sewerage pipe in the area of ​​the square in front of the Savona slaughterhouse with the consequent spillage of sewage into the sea: the mayor of Savona, Marco Russo, thus signed an ordinance prohibiting bathing. The area affected is the stretch of beach called “Zona Pervinca” or the water space between the Rio Quattro Stagioni and Bagni Marea.

The report reached the Local Police Command of Savona, which requested the immediate intervention of the Water Purification Consortium. The same, having arrived on site, confirmed a leak of sewage from a sewer manhole that poured into the rainwater grates in the area, precisely, of the Savona slaughterhouse.

This spill merged into the wastewater that reaches the sea through the Rio Ceneri which flows below the ‘Lido dei Pini’ bathing establishment, which reported the whole thing. The site of the spill was identified on the map of ARPAL detection points in the Periwinkle area.

“As communicated by the same Consorzio Depuratore delle Acque di Savona, the repair and washing intervention of the affected white water pipes and of the slaughterhouse yard where the sewage leak occurred has been carried out and the disinfectant has been dosed to prevent possible contamination, effectively eliminating the cause of the discharge of the sewage into the underlying Ceneri stream – reads the order – considering that, it has also been ascertained by the personnel of the Port Authority, who arrived on site, that the discharge into the sea of ​​the sewage has occurred, for which it is not possible to exclude a potential, albeit minimal, pollution of the waters in front of the mouth of the affected stream. As a precautionary measure, it orders a temporary ban on bathing, until further notice”

“The ban is active in the following point: Periwinkle area in the stretch of coast between the Rio Quattro Segion and the concession of the marine baths called ‘Bagni Marea’ – concludes the ordinance – we inform you that the area indicated above will remain closed to bathing until to the issuing of a specific revocation order following the obtaining of the first favorable outcome of the analyzes of the samples by ARPAL”.

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