“He didn’t tell us who he was with”

Camilla Suozzi, the fourteen-year-old who disappeared on June 22 from Pianoro, in the province of Bologna, called her loved ones. The call came after the family’s appeal on the program ‘Pomeriggio 5 News’.

Camilla Suzzi, 14 years old

There is finally some good news in the case of Camilla Suzzithe 14 year old girl who disappeared about ten days ago from Plateauin the province of Bologna. The minor has in fact called his mother and father of his own free will Tuesday, July 2nd.

A phone call which came after the appeal of her loved ones on the program ‘Pomeriggio 5 News’. Camilla has however kept her current location hidden, but has made it known that she is far from Rimini, probably on a train, in the company of a boy whose identity she has not revealed.

“Truly incredible, she told us she’s fine. I don’t think she saw the broadcast, but immediately after the appeal she called us from a private number – explained Camilla’s mother in connection with the Mediaset broadcast -. She seems far from Rimini. Now she’s on the train and we hope to hug her again soon. She’s with someone but he didn’t want to say who he’s with now. She didn’t tell us anything. Now she’s cut the phone call and we have to mobilize. She was a little vague in her speech and spoke about this boy.”

“Now she is with this boy, she will be of age. She said she’s in love and wants to be with him,” the father concluded.

Camilla Suozzi still missing, the 14-year-old wrote to her grandfather who is no longer with us: “I just want a hug from you”

Camilla’s disappearance has generated concern and anguish in the local community and beyond. In recent days, many reports have arrived, including some verified, which would indicate a situation of possible danger for the minor.

The girl was then spotted and photographed this past weekend on a bus that goes from Rimini Central Station to Bellaria.

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