photos and videos to tell the region

photos and videos to tell the region
photos and videos to tell the region

On Monday 24 June, it was approved by the regional council, on the proposal of the councillor Barbara Mazzalithe resolution that establishes the criteria of trying Lombardy style. Beauty without borders. An opportunity for all photography and videomaking lovers, to tell the story of Lombardy through the eyes of your lens and contribute to the evolution of the new regional brand. It will be possible to participate in the competition with photos and videos that immortalize hidden corners, breathtaking views, artisan excellence and success stories, of which Lombardy, with its 12 provinces, is rich.

Storytelling lombardo

The goal is enhance and promote the region’s tourist offering through the collection of images that tell its beauty through the eyes of those who live it. A true storytelling with which to capture panoramas, unknown views, people with success stories, which certify the true Lombard style, recognized throughout the world. “The creation of our new regional brand opens up to everyone’s contribution – commented Barbara Mazzali – the field of action on which creatives can indulge is wide, because our region is rich in extraordinary landscape beauties. But I remind them that our brand not only identifies the best of the places, but also of the production and creativity made in Lombardy”.

The details of the tender

The announcement plans to assign to first five photos and there I see the first one in the ranking a prize money for a total of 20.000 euro. Photos and videos must obviously be unpublished and not only technical quality will be rewarded, but also originality and communicative effectiveness. Individuals who have reached the age of eighteen by can participate in the initiative. The financial endowment for the implementation of the initiative amounts to 20,000 euros from the 2024 regional budget.

Photos and videos allowed

Only original and unpublished photographic shots and videos that tell the story of Lombardy’s excellence are eligible. Color photographs with both horizontal and vertical framing must not contain recognizable faces or trademarks of a commercial nature and must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. High definition videos can have a duration of 15 or 30 seconds, in at least one of the following formats 16:9, 1:1, 9:16. The videos must not contain recognizable faces or trademarks of a commercial nature.All photos and videos participating in the competition will be the property of the Lombardy Region and the regional system bodies that will be able to use them for the creation of promotional material on paper, web and video installations.

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