Bari prepares the final assault on Mendes but Fumagalli’s name also resurfaces

Bari prepares the final assault on Mendes but Fumagalli’s name also resurfaces
Bari prepares the final assault on Mendes but Fumagalli’s name also resurfaces

The transfer market ‘amusement park’ opens tomorrow. Sports director Giuseppe Magalini and his assistant Valerio Di Cesare have already bought a ticket for the ‘roller coaster’. Until August 30, the closing day of the summer transfer campaign session, the managers of the Bari technical area will have to deal with a significant series of obstacles and ups and downs in the process necessary for building the new squad. The red and white club has set aside some money to try to get on all the ‘attractions’. The hope is that the money will be enough to seriously apply for the main objectives.

The crosshairs on the attack

The hunt is for at least two central strikers and two attacking midfielders, indispensable pieces for the implementation of the 3-4-2-1, the formation with which Mister Longo will dress his Bari. The attack on Pedro Mendes is ready. The Portuguese from Ascoli, in this initial phase of the transfer market, is the main objective to give weight and quality to the offensive department. A call with the Juventus club is scheduled for tomorrow to try to define the negotiation. We will start from a decisive point: the Marche club intends to release the attacker only permanently, putting on the table an economic request which will also have to take into account a percentage on the resale (around 30%) to be guaranteed to Sporting, the club Portuguese player from whom Mendes was purchased in August 2022. Bari will try to do their part, convinced that the player is the right piece for the new tactical board. The 11 goals scored in 27 games before suffering a serious muscle injury (injury to the rectus femoris tendon of the left thigh) are the talent that piqued Magalini’s interest. The conditions of the attacker, who underwent surgery last March 22nd and remained in the pits for the last two months of the season, could be a topic at the center of the meeting scheduled for tomorrow. If the parties were to reach an agreement, the feeling is that the deal could be closed before leaving for training camp.

Moro, flashback

This is not an alternative to Mendes. Bari really like the Sassuolo striker, who had already tried to bring the 23-year-old into the red and white a year ago, who then ended up on loan at Spezia. The obstacle, at least for the moment, is Fabio Grosso intending to evaluate the retiring footballer. The new coach of the Emilian club knows Moro very well, having coached him two years ago in Frosinone, in the championship which ended with promotion to Serie A also thanks to 6 goals in 34 games in 2001. Precisely for this reason it cannot be ruled out that the neroverdi want also focus on the Padua attacker to attempt an immediate return to Serie A.

Fumagalli again

The soap opera for the former Giana Erminio striker has begun again. The 24-year-old was courted for over a month during the last session of the winter transfer market and then settled a few kilometers from home, in Como, the club that owns the player’s registration. After having been a hit in the first part of the Serie C tournament, scoring 12 goals in 21 games, Fumagalli has collected only 5 appearances for the Lariani, placing himself in an absolutely marginal position compared to Como’s promotion. Bari is working on the loan.

Cerri and Partipilo

The red and white club is in the running for the two attackers, both considered within reach. However, time is needed, considering that these are two very delicate and also costly negotiations. Meanwhile, under Sgarbi will arrive from Napoli. More Frosinone than Bari instead for Ambrosino, ready to reunite with Vivarini after their shared experience at Catanzaro.

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